The prosecution: Bree
Amaan complains it costs too much, but I think being comfortable is important
My husband Amaan is always really stingy about me putting the air-con on in our RV when we are travelling. We recently completed a big trip around Europe in it with our nine-month-old baby Sidney, and I had to really make the case to turn it on.
The RV is quite big, and I’ll often head towards the back, where I have more space to feed and look after Sidney while Amaan drives. It’s really hot back there. I will be sticky and sweating as we drive through the country, and will ask to put the air-con on. Amaan will complain and say it’s too expensive.
But I don’t care. When I’m looking after Sidney I want to be comfortable. After a while Amaan will give in, but he won’t want to. Sometimes I’ll be sitting in the front next to him at first, then when I retreat to the back with Sidney I’ll think: “Hmm, it’s suddenly got warm.” I’ll then go back to the front and see that Amaan’s already turned the air-con off.
He says we need to save money because there’s a cost of living crisis. Apparently running the air-con burns the petrol more quickly, but I don’t know how much of a difference this makes. When Amaan is being tight, I’ll point out that we’re travelling in my parents’ RV. That helps us save a lot on accommodation. My parents also pay the vehicle tax and insurance, so our trips in it are cheap.
We don’t need to save any more on top of that, and I reckon the cost of keeping the air-con on during our journeys is negligible. Our longest stint in the car was about five to six hours when it was 24C outside, so I didn’t want to compromise on comfort, but Amaan was adamant.
Amaan also thinks that whoever is driving should be in charge, but I don’t agree with that. It’s not like I’m a passenger-princess. I am the chief baby caretaker for one. I’m also the map reader, DJ, lunch researcher and morale booster, so my voice is also valid. Amaan needs to stop being so tight because I’m not prepared to scrimp on air-con costs when we take my parent’s RV out on the road again.
The defence: Amaan
There is a cost of living crisis, so Bree has to be realistic. We need to save money where we can
I’m not totally opposed to air-con in the RV, but I think we need to be sensible about it. I’ll suggest starting it on a low setting, but Bree will want to make it a full-on fridge.
Bree doesn’t seem to be able to regulate her body temperature like a normal person. She is either boiling hot or freezing – it’s strange. I read an article once that said you shouldn’t set air-con more than five degrees lower than the natural temperature outside, but sometimes she wants it to be too cool. I also think that blowing air from the fan is more economical than putting on the air-con for hours, so I will suggest that instead as it has the same effect.
She is sometimes OK with that as a compromise, but other times she’ll get agitated that she can’t have her way. But there is a cost of living crisis, so she has to be realistic. We need to save where we can as we’ve just had a baby. We’re relying on one salary now because Bree is on unpaid maternity leave.
I looked into the maths to see how fuel efficiency is affected by having the air-con on, and it’s quite a lot. Studies show that air-con can increase fuel consumption by as much as 20%. I think that’s a waste of money. Fuel is so expensive these days.
Also, I take the view that whoever is driving should control conditions in the RV. Admittedly that suits me because I do most of the driving, but I can see Bree’s point that she also does lots. She’ll be busy researching lunch spots and accommodation options as well as looking after Sidney, so I appreciate that.
I’m also a bit of an ecowarrior, I guess. I like to take the train when I can, and I’m also concerned for the state of the planet – Sidney will be inheriting it after all. I would quite like Bree’s parents to give us the RV for more trips. That would be amazing – I do love it. We saved a lot with our last trip because they lent us the RV free of charge, and we camped inside it a lot of the time. But on our next trip, I’ll stand by my opinion that we shouldn’t really have the air-con on.
The jury of Guardian readers
Should Amaan let Bree have the air-con on more?
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Just because Amaan drives doesn’t give him dominion over the conditions in the car. The air conditioning should be adjusted to a temperature that is comfortable for everyone. Yes, it costs extra in fuel, but they’re already saving money on accommodation and the cost of the RV, so Amaan should lighten up.
Claire, 49
Both Bree and Sidney deserve to feel comfortable in the RV. Bree is doing a lot of the trip planning while caring also for Sidney and it’s unfair to expect her to also be uncomfortable.
Anna, 33
If it is significantly hotter in the back, where Bree is looking after their child, let her have the air-con on. Some back-of-an-envelope figures show that it costs about £10-15 extra to have it on. Is that not worth it, considering the savings on accommodation and more?
Carly-May, 26
With money already being saved elsewhere, Amaan can afford to keep the air-con on. A driver has a responsibility to keep passengers comfortable, and having a nine-month-old in the car should be factored in, too.
David, 35
Amaan should understand that part of the fun of a road trip is comfort – no one wants to be boiled in an RV. Loosen the purse strings or do more staycations/local trips, instead of driving an RV with only three people – what’s the maths on that, Mr Ecowarrior?
Ayo, 38
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