While it’s true that you can buy all manner of cute clothing for your pets, ideally they’d be different from what’s in your wardrobe.
For Callie Conway, however, she’s actually now giving hand-me-downs to her little dog Charlotte, after being sent a ridiculously small outfit only big enough for her pooch.
Callie ordered the £40 outfit from Depop for a trip to Ibiza, and it features mesh leggings, a mesh crop top, and matching headband.
What was supposed to be a UK size 8 didn’t remotely fit the 19-year-old, so instead she decided to model it on her Bedlington Terrier.
Charlotte certainly wears it well, and her tweet on the topic (in which she asked ‘fancy a hol Charlotte?’) now has over 32,000 retweets and 180,000 likes.
It’s not the first time someone has received an ill-fitting outfit they bought online. We recently reported on this woman who tried on her new dress to find it left her whole vagina exposed.
Callie, from Newcastle, did want to clarify on social media that Charlotte was ‘not in pain/fear… she loves getting dressed up however always looks miserable!’
Other owners of Bedlington Terriers also came forward to offer their words of encouragement to Char’s fashion show moment. They’re a relatively rare breed of dog, and it seems to owners stick together in solidarity.
Someone also asked why the dogs like Gail Platt, but that’s another story for another day.
It’s not been publicised by Callie which brand sent her the oddly sized garments, but hopefully she’ll get a replacement. Who knows, they might even let Charlotte keep hers, and the two can go to Ibiza and wow the beach bars.
We’re sure Charlotte would be the toast of Ocean Beach Club.
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