
Woman gives birth to healthy baby boy 10 weeks after her waters broke

Lauren and baby Archie (Picture: SWNS)

Most mums-to-be expect they’ll be meeting their baby soon after their waters break.

But Lauren Middleton had to wait a full 10 weeks before her baby boy was born.

The 24-year-old felt a gush of water when she went to the toilet at just 26 weeks.

She rushed to hospital and was told her waters had broken but doctors wanted to postpone labour for as long as possible to give her baby time to grow.

Lauren, who is already mum to Ruby, three, said: ‘I was so shocked, I really didn’t think my waters had broken.

‘I was really scared when I heard because it was so early in the pregnancy and my baby was so tiny.

‘I knew straight away he was in danger of serious harm.’

Normally, the minute the water breaks signals the start of labour and that the baby is on its way, but doctors managed to delay this happening to Lauren, from Leeds, West Yorks.

After spending three days in hospital, she was sent home.

Baby Archie just after being born (Picture: Lauren Middleton /SWNS)

From then on she had to attend the maternity unit at Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) twice a week for checks.

Lauren said: ‘It was an incredibly stressful situation because I was worried about the baby’s health the whole time.

‘I was in and out of hospital constantly, having that many checks isn’t normal but I knew were vital for the baby.’

At 34 weeks, tests showed the baby was still doing well and doctors decided she would be able to go to 37 weeks.

But at 35 weeks, she started having contractions.

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Ruby and Lauren holding baby Archie (Picture: Lauren Middleton /SWNS)

‘The labour itself was really traumatic and very painful,’ Lauren said.

Eventually after 21 hours, at 9pm on 18 October, baby Archie was born weighing 6lb 4oz.

Her elated partner Liam Hopper, 27, was at Lauren’s side.

But their joy turned to heartbreak an hour later when Archie was rushed him to neo-natal intensive care after struggling to breathe.

‘One minute we were having cuddles and everything was fine and the next minute he was gone,’ Lauren said.

They were told he had pneumonia then sepsis and they weren’t sure if he would make it, but after a course of antibiotics, Archie is doing well and has now gone home for the first time.

Lauren said: ‘The NHS have been unbelievable, I can’t thank them enough.

‘If it wasn’t for their amazing work who knows what would have happened to Archie.’

‘I genuinely love all the nurses, they’re more like family now.’

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