
Tin can ally: Jack Monroe’s store-cupboard recipes

Tinned potato fishcakes (pictured above)

Prep 20 min
Chill 30 min+
Cook 25 min
Makes 6-8

500g tin potatoes in water, drained and rinsed (350g drained weight)
1 handful frozen spinach, or chopped fresh parsley
2 x 120g tins sardines in oil
1 tsp paprika or tomato puree
2 tbsp bottled lemon juice
Salt and black pepper
1-2 tbsp plain flour
, for brushing

Bring a pan of water to a boil, tip in the potatoes, reduce to a simmer and cook for around 10 minutes, until they fall apart easily. If you’re using frozen spinach, pop it in a sieve and balance it on top of the pan as the potatoes cook, to defrost it. Prod it with a fork to break it up and help it along. Drain the spuds and tip them back into the pan.

Open the sardine tins, pour their oil on the spuds and mash with a fork or masher. When you have a rough pulp, tip in the sardines and flake with a fork – bones and all (the bones are full of calcium and goodness. If you are concerned, just remove any visible ones to put the mind at rest).

Mix in the paprika/puree, defrosted spinach or fresh parsley, the lemon juice, a pinch of salt and a lots of pepper.

Gradually beat in a tablespoon of flour, until the mixture is stiff: test it by scooping some on to a spoon and holding it upside down: if it sticks, it’s ready; if not, add a little more flour.

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Pop the mixture in the fridge for at least half an hour to firm up; this stops the fishcakes falling apart in the pan. If you’re in a hurry, add an egg and another tablespoon of flour at this stage and skip the fridge, but it really does make a difference.

When ready, heat the oven to 180C (160 fan)/gas 4 and lightly grease a baking sheet. With floured hands, take two generous tablespoons of the mixture, roll them into a ball, flatten gently, then pop on to the baking sheet. Repeat to make six to eight fishcakes. Brush with a little oil to help them crisp, then bake for around 15 minutes, or until golden.

Gooseberry pancakes

Jack Monroe’s gooseberry pancakes drizzled with honey.

Jack Monroe’s tinned gooseberry pancakes.

Prep 15 min
Chill 30 min
Cook 10 min
Serves 2

2 tsp butter
150g plain flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tbsp granulated sugar
80ml milk
2 medium or large eggs
1 x 300g tin gooseberries, drained
Oil, for greasing
Golden syrup or honey, to serve

First, put the butter in a microwave-proof dish and melt for a few seconds, or melt in a pan. Set to one side.

Working quickly, so the butter doesn’t congeal, put the flour, bicarb and sugar in a bowl, and mix well to combine.

Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and pour in the milk and melted butter. Crack in the eggs and mix together into a batter.

Pop the batter in the fridge and leave to rest for 30 minutes – this is important to create the lightest, fluffiest pancakes. Meanwhile, drain the gooseberries.

When the batter is rested, remove it from the fridge, tip in the gooseberries, and give it a quick stir. Grab a frying pan, preferably a nonstick one, and brush with a little oil. Bring it up to a high heat for a minute to warm the pan through, but don’t let the oil start smoking.

Reduce the heat to medium, dollop in some of the pancake mixture, swirling to spread the batter evenly over the base of the pan, and cook for one minute. Then, using a spatula, gently turn the pancake over and cook on the other side. Slide off the pan on to a warm plate, and keep warm.

Repeat until all the pancake batter is used up, and serve hot in a stack, with the golden syrup or honey.

Creamy crabby pasta

Jack Monroe’s creamy pasta made with tinned crab.

Jack Monroe’s creamy tinned crab pasta.

Prep 5 min
Cook 15 min
Serves 2

140g pasta
½ onion
, finely sliced
1 small red chilli, very finely chopped
1 bunch flat-leaf parsley, very finely chopped, plus extra to serve
1 tbsp bottled lemon juice, plus extra to serve (optional)
Oil, for frying
100g natural yoghurt
75g jar crab paste
(or fish paste)

Bring some water to a boil in a medium saucepan, and cook the pasta according to the packet instructions.

Meanwhile, put the onion, chilli and parsley in a frying pan, add the lemon juice and oil, and cook on a medium heat, until the onions are soft.

When the pasta is cooked, remove from the heat and drain. Quickly stir the yoghurt and crab paste into the onions to warm through.

Tip the pasta into the pan, coat with the sauce, and serve garnished with extra parsley and lemon juice, if desired.

The Guardian aims to publish recipes for sustainable fish. For ratings in your region, check: UK; Australia; US.

Coconut milk soda bread

Prep 15 min
Cook 40 min
Makes 1 loaf

Jack Monroe’s coconut milk soda bread requires just four common ingredients.

Jack Monroe’s coconut milk soda bread: requires just four common ingredients.

250g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
1 level tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 tsp bottled lemon juice
180ml coconut milk, from a tin (pop the rest into a different container and put in the fridge to use in the next three days; don’t store in the tin)

Heat the oven to 180C (160C fan)/350F/gas 4 and dust a baking tray with flour. Mix together the flour and bicarb in a large bowl, until evenly distributed. Soda bread doesn’t take much kneading, so it’s better to scatter the bicarb evenly throughout when mixing, rather than end up with a wonky loaf.

Pour the lemon juice into the coconut milk. Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and pour in the milk and lemon juice mixture. Mix firmly but briefly until just combined, then tip out the dough on to a floured worktop. Knead for 30 seconds to bring it together. Pat it into shape and pop it on the baking tray.

Score the loaf down the middle, dust the top with flour from the work surface, then bake for 40 minutes. Leave to cool slightly on the tray, then slice and enjoy. Store in an airtight bag or container and keep for up to three days, or freeze for up to three months.

Jack Monroe’s new book, Tin Can Cook: 75 Simple Store-Cupboard Recipes, is published by Blueprint on 30 May at £6.99. To pre-order a copy for £6.15, visit


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