Are you affected by the UK cladding crisis? Here is what you need to know about it, to stay ahead.
Combustible cladding covers hundreds of public and thousands of private high rise buildings in the UK. Removal of this cladding has become such an enormous task that it is dubbed a “Cladding Crisis” by the media.
With thousands of UK families suddenly plunged into a world of housing uncertainty, here are the facts so far. What do you need to know about the UK cladding crisis? Read on to find out.
The Cladding Crisis: What We Know
Here are some straight talking facts on the cladding problems in the United Kingdom.
How did the Cladding Crisis Start?
The cladding crisis in the UK started by in the 2017 win. Grenfell Tower burned to the ground. This high rise flat was home to more than one hundred individuals, of whom seventy-two died. Firefighters could not get up the emergency stairwell. This horrific tragedy saw the residents trapped, with no way of getting outside, as the fire spread up the exterior cladding of the building.
After this, the UK government were held accountable. This social housing disaster led to reform of the fire safety regulations so that they encompassed the exterior walls of all high rise buildings.
What is Advice Note 14?
In response to pressure from the media and public, the government held an inquiry into Grenfell Tower. In the meantime, they adjusted existing fire safety regulations to add Advice Note 14. This advised property owners to take due care when they were examining a building for fire safety.
As a result of the introduction of this advice note, lenders and property valuers started to value flats with combustible cladding as worthless. This led to these same people wanting proof that a building was safe before they would buy or sell a property. This leads us to the introduction of EWS1.
What is EWS1?
EWS stands for External Wall Systems and the EWS1 process is a way of ensuring they are safe. If you live in a high rise building and you have cladding outside, you need to take steps to remediate this. A cladding removal company will help you to attain EWS1 compliance.
During the EWS1 process, you must have a qualified building safety inspector come to your property and evaluate the cladding used. If it is found to be the combustible kind, you will not pass your EWS1 assessment and will have to remove the cladding.
Which Buildings Need to Worry About EWS1 Compliance?
If your building has High Pressure Laminate Cladding, this needs to be assessed. If it is five storeys or higher and has linked balconies, you will need to seek compliance. January 2021 advice is that EWS1 forms should not be requested by buildings below 18 metres.
Can I Seek Financial Aid to Cover the Costs of EWS1 Form Compliance?
If your building meets the guidelines on eligibility criteria set out by UK gov, then you should be able to seek assistance. The government have put aside millions of pounds in a Building Safety Fund for the remediation of non-ACM cladding systems in England. If you live in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland, you will need to read guidance on your own council sites.
Why are the Media still Berating the Government over EWS1?
There have been several reports regarding residents who cannot access the funding set aside for exactly their purpose. Hundreds of thousands of homeowners have been left with properties that are valueless. With private building’s owners refusing to outfit for compliance, those private leaseholders must campaign on their own to get help.
If you are affected by the cladding crisis in the UK, you can Write to your MP to make them aware of your problem.