
The Art of Public Speaking: Tips for Writing a Killer Student Speech

The Art of Public Speaking: Tips for Writing a Killer Student Speech

While being in college, students can face a number of surprising challenges that they weren’t prepared for. One of them is public speaking. Most often, the news that they have to prepare a speech, whether for a debate, graduation, or another purpose, catches students by surprise and leaves them wondering how to cope with it.

If you find yourself in the same situation, we are here to help. This article will be your guide to writing a killer speech without a hassle. So, read on to discover expert tips for simple and effective speech writing!

1. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Writing speeches that create a wow effect is a real art that takes years to master. Thus, if you are facing this challenge for the first time ever, the chances of success can be pretty low. Not to mention how much time and energy you will have to spend on it. So, there is nothing wrong with asking for help with your homework from a reliable research paper service. After all, this way you will ensure success and save plenty of time.

The good news is that most write my essay services also offer help with writing speeches. So, if you feel like a bit of expert help won’t hurt, don’t hesitate to use it!

2. Speak About Something You Know and Care About

In case you decide to write a speech on your own, the first tip is to speak about something that matters to you and something you know about. Establishing an authoritative voice and showing your passion are the two main keys to giving a killer speech. So, when it comes to choosing a topic, be sure to keep this in mind.

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Choose a topic that is relevant, familiar to you, and the one you are interested in. If you do this, it will make the process of writing and then performing with your speech much easier.

3. Tell a Story

Storytelling is one of the most effective tactics used in speech writing. So, the next tip we have for you is to use it to your benefit.

Writing a speech on any subject, be sure to include the elements of a compelling story into it. Make sure that your story has many sensory details. It will help you create vivid images in your audience’s heads as you perform. Respectively, you will get them engaged and make your speech truly unforgettable.

4. Pay Attention to the Structure

Though it is a speech, not an essay or a research paper, it still needs to have a solid structure to give it a logical flow and help your audience grasp your ideas with ease.

How to structure a speech, you may wonder? In fact, there is nothing hard about it. Just like any other written piece, it consists of the three key elements – an introduction, body, and conclusion that all spin around your key argument. So take your time to plan the structure of your future speech carefully and then write it following this plan.

5. Check Out Other Speakers

This tip may not directly relate to writing, but it needs to be here to help you handle the task with ease. Instead of getting straight to writing your own speech, take some time to check out a few examples.

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Watch how other speakers deliver their ideas to their audiences. Pay attention to the structures, word choices, and other tricks that they use. Seeing at least a few examples should help you find inspiration and get a better idea of how to write your own brilliant speech. So, don’t neglect this advice.

6. Write Like You Talk

One of the biggest challenges in speech writing is that you will be reading this text later on. That is, it doesn’t have to sound like a written piece, but rather like a normal human speech. So, our tip for you is to write like you talk.

Be sure to use more natural, everyday language. Also, avoid too long sentences, awkward constructions, and other features inherent in writing that will sound awkward when you read them aloud.

Pro tip: If you find it hard to keep the language in your speech natural, try reading it aloud as you are writing it. It will help you understand whether it sounds good enough or not.

7. Keep It Concise

Finally, one last tip students have to keep in mind while writing speeches is to keep them clear, straight to the point, and concise. In fact, conciseness is the key to success in any form of academic writing. But, it is especially important when writing a speech.

The thing is that speakers are typically given between 5 to 30 minutes to perform. And it is vital that you fit your speech into this time. So, be sure to make it concise. Cut out the unnecessary words and statements. And make sure you don’t go off the topic.

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Pro tip: If you were given a specific time limit, be sure to practice giving your speech at home to measure how much time it will take you to perform. First of all, this is a great way to overcome stress and practice. And, this way, you will also know for sure that your speech is not too long or too short.

Wrapping Up

These tips will help you write a perfect speech with less stress. So, don’t hesitate to give them a try and good luck!

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