For many around the world, there has been the chance to view the second Super Moon of the year following last month’s Super Wolf Blood Moon. Called a Snow Moon in accordance with the Native Indian calendar. The lunar event is also referred to as a Snow Moon in European culture due to the amount of snow that falls in February.
At its closest point to Earth, known as its perigee, it will come to 221,681 miles from Earth.
Unfortunately, for many in the UK it was at its most visible at 5.11pm today although it had reached its closest point to Earth at 9.06am this morning.
Today’s Super Moon will also be 14 percent larger and almost 30 percent bright than normal Full Moons.
Next month, the world will also be treated to another lunar spectacle as third Supermoon will appear on March 21.
Follow below for live updates and pictures of this extraordinary lunar event. All times in GMT.
READ MORE: Supermoon WARNING: Astronomers warn of EXTREME tides
The Supermoon passes over Argentina (Image: GETTY)
05.51am update: Argentina enjoys the incredible glow of the Supermoon
March’s Supermoon is called a crow or worm moon.
Both are in reference to the impending end of Winter and the beginning of Spring.
View of the Supermoon in the sky over Guadalajara Mexico (Image: EPA)
03.50am update: Super Snow Moon passes over Mexico
The incredible Super Snow Moon illuminates Guadalajara.
Next month the final Supermoon will appear in the sky as we approach Spring.
The Empire State building is seen as a super moon rises in New York (Image: GETTY)
02.55am update: New York welcomes the Supermoon
In an incredible image, the Empire State building is pictured standing in the foreground ahead of the lunar phenomenon.
Today’s Supermoon is the largest of the three that will appear this year.
There will, however, be one final Supermoon next month.
A plane flies as the Supermoon is seen in Brussels (Image: GETTY)
01.07am update: Brussels welcomes the phenomenon
A few hours behind Turkey, Brussels welcomes the incredible Snow Moon as it shines brightly in the sky.
Unfortunately for many in Europe’s hub, it was a mainly cloudy day which obstructed the view for many stargazers.
Last February, there was a Black Moon which means that there was no Full Moon in during the month.
The Supermoon is seen over a hill in Turkey’s capital Ankara (Image: GETTY)
12.33am update: The Super Snow Moon arises from the hills of Ankara
Following the dazzling lunar event over Istanbul, the Full Moon provides an incredible view from the hills just outside Turkey’s capital.
Seemingly at its closest point to Earth, the moon is much bigger than it typically is.
The Super Snow Moon appeared at its fullest at 06.53pm local time.
The Supermoon is seen over the July 15 Martyrs’ Bridge in Turkey’s Istanbul (Image: GETTY)
12.16am update: The Snow Moon delights the city of Istanbul
As night falls over the city of Istanbul, the Snow Moon comes to its most bright and visible.
The Full Moon meets is perigee, meaning that it comes to its closest distance to the Earth.
St Paul’s Cathedral in Mdina (Image: REUTERS)
12.06am update: The Snow Moon continues delight in Malta
The Supermoon ablaze above St Paul Äôs Cathedral in Mdina.
With night over Malta, the moon sits ablaze the cathedral in what is an incredible sight.
The lunar delight in Malta (Image: REUTERS)
11.55pm update: The Snow Moon graces the sky in Malta
The second of the year’s Supermoons delights viewers across the continent.
Named in accordance with the Native Indian calendar, the Supermoon comes in a month usually known for the heavy snowfall.
The lunar event has also been named as a hunger or bone moon due to the scarcity of food in winter.
Supermoon in Santiago de Compostela (Image: EPA)
11.49pm update: Supermoon delights the sky in Spain
The stunning event as seen in Santiago de Compostela.
The incredible view was viewed at 07.52pm local time as the world was given another glimpse at a Supermoon.