
Spill it: how much a 45-year-old mother drinks in a week

(Pictures: Shutterstock/Metro)

Spill it is the series where we get people to anonymously tell us about their drinking habits.

We’re talking to men and women from all over the UK – unless anyone volunteers from abroad in which case we’re going international – about how much they really drink.

Not how much they tell their doctor they drink, or a rough guesstimate, but the unvarnished boozy truth.

This week we’re hearing from Carla (not her real name) who is a 45-year-old stay at home mum, who lives near St Albans.


It’s been a long week but I’ve got a girls night tonight. I’ve got a close group of mates who live close together, within a few streets. We go out once a month for a night together. I pick my kids up from school – I’ve got a son who is nine and a daughter who is seven – and let them watch their iPads while I’m getting ready.

My husband works a 45-minute drive away. He gets home around six and I go to meet the girls in a nice local pub that does cocktails. I start with a cosmopolitan, then have two pornstar martinis. I’m very drunk so swap to lemonade for a couple of hours.

Then we go on to another pub, which is less nice but a lot cheaper. I have a Malibu and lemonade, which I know is tacky but makes me feel like I’m on holiday.


I feel absolutely terrible on Saturday morning. My husband takes the kids to swimming and I sleep in trying to feel better. Lots of photos going around on our Whatsapp group from last night – I was a right mess.

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We watch a film on the sofa in the afternoon as a family which is nice, I try not to nod off – I don’t sleep well when I’ve had a lot to drink.

In the evening the kids are both out on sleepovers. My husband drives them to their friends’ houses because I’m worried about still being over the limit. He wants us to go out for dinner but I can’t face it so we have a curry. He has a couple of beers but I can’t face the idea of a drink.


I was hoping to feel better when I woke up but I still feel bad – it’s a two-day hang over. I let the kids have their iPads because I feel guilty.

We go out to a local pizza place for lunch. I offer to drive because I feel guilty.

I spend the afternoon cleaning the house and getting everything ready for Monday morning. We watch rubbish telly. My husband has a glass of wine but I don’t fancy it.


Monday is my favourite day of the week. I drop the kids at school and the spend the day sorting the house out. I’ve got loads of ironing to do so I catch up on Corrie and Eastenders while I do it.

The kids have after school activities on a Monday so I pick them up late, then we do homework and eat as a family in the evening. Doesn’t occur to me to drink alcohol.


I have lunch with a friend. She orders a glass of Prosecco so I do the same.

When I pick the kids up at 3.30 pm I feel worried that I’ll be over the limit. I know that one small glass at 1 pm won’t put me over, but I drive extra carefully anyway.

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Husband is out with friends so I can watch what I want on the TV!


Husband takes the kids to school on Wednesday so I can have a lie in. I get up at 9 am and then do all the laundry. I go to the supermarket to do a food shop – I like it better than online shopping.

I buy some beers for the husband and and some alcopops for me as we’ve got friends over at the weekend.


Husband is home late from work and has been out with his mates. I’ve helped the kids with their homework and got them into bed.

We watch Game of Thrones on the sofa. He has another beer when he gets home but I have a cup of tea.


I’ve got a birthday dinner for a friend tonight so I’m going to London. The kids are having dinner over at friends’ houses and then my husband is picking them up.

We go for Champagne afternoon tea at a hotel in London where I have one glass. I don’t like Champagne that much but it’s included. Then we go to the big Primark, have a wander around the shops and then for cocktails. I order a pornstar martini and start to feel quite drunk.

We go to a Brazilian restaurant for dinner and everyone orders pitchers of margarita, I don’t drink all of mine because I feel rough.

I get home around 11 pm and go to bed. I will probably have a big hangover again tomorrow.

Units: 9

Maximum recommended units: 14

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MORE: Spill it: How much a 27-year-old journalist drinks in a week

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