Re your article (As parents, can we all agree that a bit of screen time for children is actually a good thing?, 1 March), screen time is a good thing for grandparents too – as an adult learning tool. I now know much that I never knew before from watching, with my granddaughter, gems such as Ada Twist, Scientist (Netflix) and Maddie’s Do You Know (CBeebies).
Anthony Lawton
Church Langton, Leicestershire
I wanted to report that the frogspawn appeared on Thursday morning – the latest date in the last 16 years (Letters, 1 March). Jocelyn Hanson asked how the frogs travelled to our new home (Letters, 10 March). Nine of them came in a plastic box, and lived in a cement-mixing bath for several months while their new home was built.
Judith Abbs
A few weeks ago, I was startled to hear the ever courteous BBC presenter Mishal Hussain say, while talking about the teachers’ strike, that non-striking staff “can’t be arsed to cover for their colleagues”. A northerner, I had been momentarily misled by the long “a” in asked (Letters, 10 March).
Hazel Pennington
Why does Ian Winstanley want to dispel the image of the gentle, graceful whippet (Letters, 15 March)? We have two beauties, Woody and Sharkey.
Pete Lawson
The Guardian didn’t get to Penistone either last Friday (Letters, 13 March), but disappointingly the Daily Mail did. Another example of rightwing bias?
Richard Webb
Penistone, South Yorkshire