
Scottish independence blow: May will BLOCK second referendum – Hunt issues warning

The Foreign Secretary has made clear the Prime Minister would reject any attempt from Nicola Sturgeon to hold another legally binding vote on the issue. Asked what Theresa May’s answer would be if the First Minister asked for a section 30 order be granted to allow this, Mr Hunt stood firm on the possibility. He said during a visit to the University of Glasgow: “The answer of course would be no for the very simple reason that we think the Scottish Government should be focusing on the concerns of Scottish voters.

“This is not to have another very divisive independence referendum but to focus on an education system which used to be the envy of the world and standards are now falling, to focus on long waits in the NHS.

“That’s what Scottish voters want the Scottish Government to focus on and I am sure that that is what Theresa May will tell Nicola Sturgeon if she makes that request.”

The latest rejection came as the SNP’s deputy leader Keith Brown insisted such a move “should not prevent” a fresh vote on breaking up the UK from taking place.

He launched a scathing attack against the Conservatives’ “deeply undemocratic” stance on the issue, arguing Scotland’s Government already had a mandate to trigger another independence referendum.

Mr Brown said: “My position is clear – the deeply undemocratic stance of the UK Government in denying the mandate for indyref and refusing a section 30 order should not prevent the Scottish Government seeking one and planning on the basis of winning that case.”

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He has continued to stand firm on this, with video footage emerging of him telling SNP supporters: “If we want to have a referendum, then we decide we’re going to have a referendum.”

The SNP deputy leader maintained the likelihood Mrs May would reject the case for a second referendum “should not prevent the Scottish Government seeking one and planning on the basis of winning that case”.

This insistence saw Scottish Conservative interim leader Jackson Carlaw raise concerns the SNP could “launch an illegal referendum within a matter of weeks”.

The country’s Government could hold a second independence vote, but for it to be legally binding, a section 30 order transferring the power needed to hold one would be required from Westminster.

In September 2014, Ms Sturgeon’s SNP party won the first independence referendum, which saw the manifesto including a commitment could be held if there is a significant change in the country’s circumstances.

Since then, British people voted in favour of Brexit, meaning Scotland will also have to leave the European Union, largely against the wishes of residents north of the border.

The First Minister has insisted the legal basis for any future referendum should be “the same” as for the first vote four-and-a-half years ago.

She said in Edinburgh: “I want and consider that the legal basis of the referendum should be the same as the last time.”

This saw the Edinburgh agreement struck between the Scottish and UK Government, which sets out the the conditions for a legally-binding ballot.

But when asked by reporters if she could hold a referendum without first getting the permission of Westminster, Scotland’s FirstMinister said: “No, I am not open to that possibility.”

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Ms Sturgeon added she will provide an update on what Brexit means for Scottish independence in the coming weeks.


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