
Rapture WARNING: Spring Equinox super moon is ‘BEGINNING OF THE END’ – shock claim

On March 20, the beginning of spring came and was heralded by a full moon known as the Super Worm Moon. Some Christians believe it is a sign from Heaven, as the timing is so peculiar. For starters, it is the first time the Spring Equinox has coincided with a super moon since 2000 – the “beginning of Y2K”, website Unsealed points out.

Another point is that it is 70 years since the nation of Israel – considered to be the holy land – came to fruition.

All of this is one and a half years since September 23, 2017, when the sun entered the constellation Virgo, or as Christians pointed out at the time “a woman clothed with the sun”, which was meant to signify the beginning of the end.

Christian conspiracy theorist website Unsealed pieces it all together: “In and of itself, this doesn’t tell us much, but it is simply one more piece in the growing crescendo of signs pointing to the importance of 2019 for the fulfilment of Bible prophecy: historic Israeli elections, the unveiling of the Trump-Kushner peace plan.

“For the next nearly eight weeks Israel remains 70 years old. In 2017 we witnessed the greatest heavenly sign foretold by John.

“Each year has brought us one monumental step closer to the Day of the LORD—and yet Christians grow sleepier and sleepier.

“I say this collectively: we’re dropping the ball. We may only have a year or two, at most, to complete the mission that God has given us.

”While we are still fully living in the Age of Grace, this is no doubt the crossing of the dispensations.

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“With September 23, 2017 now one and a half years behind us, I’ve been wondering just how long this intermission might last.”

The website goes on to say that there was two to four years between 33 AD – when Christ was supposedly crucified – and Jesus appearing in the sky.

By that logic, the rapture could strike any time from now to 2021.

Unsealed reads: “In 33 AD three major heavenly signs occur. The first being the three hours of darkness during the crucifixion and the second being the blood moon recorded in Acts 2.

“The third involved the constellation of Gemini, which I wrote about here.

“Some 2–4 years later, Christ appears in glory in the sky with radiant light descending on Saul and his entourage. Saul is spiritually transformed through faith.

“In 2017 a ‘great’ heavenly sign occurred on September 23, 2017. 2–4 years later brings us to 2019–2021. The next major event is Christ once again, post-Pentecost, appearing in the sky in glory to physically transform those with faith.”


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