
Queen Elizabeth II: Monarch did this shocking thing to Prince Philip on royal tour

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip visited the USA in July 1976 to celebrate the bicentenary of the Declaration of Independence. American writer Susan Crossland accompanied the tour and observed how the royal couple behaved with one another. She noted on one occasion that the Queen did not attempt to hide her frustration with her husband. In fact, Elizabeth was very vocal with her feelings, according to Crossland, and snapped at him.

Royal author Sarah Bradford quoted the writer in her 2012 book Queen Elizabeth II: Her Life in Our Times.

“On one occasion when Philip was sounding off about something, the Queen said to him quite sharply, ‘Oh Philip, do shut up. You don’t know what you’re talking about’,” Crossland said.

However, according to Bradford, it was the Queen’s “complete naturalness” around Crossland and her husband, Tony Crossland, the UK Foreign Secretary, that the writer took from the episode.

She also showed “great aplomb” when bad weather struck the Royal Yacht Britannia.

“When Britannia ran into a Force 9 gale two days out of Bermuda, en route to Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia, the Queen exhibited great aplomb at dinner when most of the party, including her husband, were ashen-faced,” wrote Bradford.

The author quoted Crossland’s biography Tony Crossland: “The Queen rose to say goodnight, resting one hand against the handle of the open sliding door which at that moment began sliding shut, Britannia having failed to take a breathing space before heaving over again.

“The Queen gripped the handle firmly, pressed her back to the door and moved with it as it slid slowly shut, her chiffon scarf flying in the opposite direction.

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“‘Wheeeee,’ said the Queen. Britannia shuddered, reeled again. The chiffon scarf flew the other way.

“‘Wheeeee,’ said the Queen. Britannia hesitated before the next heave. ‘Goodnight’ said the Queen slipping through the door, Prince Philip half a pace behind her…

“When we foregathered in the drawing room before lunch [the next day] complexions were better than the evening before.

“‘I have never seen so many great and grim faces around a dinner table,’ said the Queen.

“She paused. ‘Philip was not all that well.’ She paused. ‘I’m glad to say.’ She giggled. I’d forgotten that her Consort is an Admiral of the Fleet…”

Elizabeth wasn’t always so self-assured while away on royal tours, however.

The royal couple visited the USA and Canada in 1951 and it came at a stressful time for the Queen as her father was very ill.

The Queen – then a Princess – was criticised by Canadians for not smiling enough

“In Canada crowds wildly applauded Prince Philip but criticised the Princess for her unsmiling look,” wrote Bradford.

Time magazine reported at the time: “Instead of the poised and charming beauty most Canadians had expected, she was nervous and inarticulate.”

Bradford explained: “Apart from worrying about her father, she had not yet discovered the skill with crowds that came so easily to her mother and husband.”


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