
Police called after man spends hour in shop loo and says ‘I’m having a s**t’

A man spent so long locked inside a shop toilet that staff felt forced to call the police.

Officers were told the man had locked himself in a cubicle and repeatedly told staff who had asked him to come out: ‘F**k off, I’m having a s**t’.

To make matters worse, he wasn’t even a paying customer.

Cops were called to the toilet where a man allegedly spent an hour refusing to budge (Picture: Getty)

Police say the man allegedly entered the shop about an hour before police arrived and officers moved him on.

Greater Manchester Police shared the story on Twitter, saying the man did eventually move and  no criminal offences were committed.

The bizarre revelation, predictably, prompted a stream of toilet-related jokes online.

Plenty of people with time to kill while answering nature’s call enjoy flicking through their phones to check their newsfeeds or play Candy Crush.

But scientists say scrolling on the toilet can expose you and others around you to illness inducing germs like salmonella, E. Coli and C. Difficile.

A certain degree of skill and attention is needed not to touch your device with your wiping hand, and even then just having your phone on the side leaves it exposed to harmful bacteria.


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