
Persona 5: The Royal announced, stars a mysterious new female character

Big news in the world of Persona: Atlus has announced Persona 5: The Royal for PlayStation 4.

The Royal stars a mysterious, unnamed new female character. In a short teaser, below, a voice asks: “What do you think of the Phantom Thieves?” The female character responds with: “I think helping people is a wonderful thing, but if I had to say, I don’t like them. I don’t think the Phantom Thieves’ methods will make the world a better place or help anyone. In the end, I feel like you can only solve that yourself.”

(Thanks, Gematsu.)

That’s pretty much all we’ve got for now. Is The Royal an updated version of 2016’s hit RPG Persona 5? Or is it a brand new game? And what’s this new character all about? More information will be revealed on 24th April during the Persona Super Live concert.

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