
Parents reveal why they regret their child’s name

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Picking out a name for your child is a massive decision.

It’s so easy to get it very, very wrong. It’s so tricky to find a name that you like the sound of, has a lovely meaning, that everyone in the family likes, and that isn’t shared by someone you hate.

So we’re not surprised that some parents end up disliking their child’s name.

A survey from ChannelMum reveals that 28% of parents said they regret picking the name they gave their child, and that more than one in ten have had their children say they don’t like their own name. Oh dear.

We can’t blame them – how do you know what name will suit your child as they grow older when you’ve only seen them as a wrinkly newborn when you have to sign the birth certificate?

The reasons for regrets are pretty varied, but there are a few that kept popping up in the survey’s results.

ChannelMum put together a list of the most popular reasons parents regret their child’s name, and topping the list was that their baby’s name became unexpectedly popular. Parents really do value individuality.

Also on the list is ‘my friend chose the same name for their baby’ and ‘someone with the same name became famous’, both of which are difficult traps to avoid.

Then there are the reasons that parents should consider before they register their baby’s name: ‘it’s too unusual’ and ‘it’s difficult to spell’.

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Top 10 reasons parents regret their child’s name:

  1. It became really popular
  2. I was pressured into choosing a name by my partner/ family member
  3. I’ve just gone off it
  4. I no longer think it fits them
  5. My friend chose the same name for their baby
  6. It’s too unusual
  7. It’s difficult to spell
  8. Someone with the same name became famous
  9. A celebrity named their child with the same name
  10. It sounds like something rude or awkward when you put it with their middle name/surname

Baby names expert SJ Strum said: ‘Picking your baby name is one of the most important parts of becoming a parent – and its’ also something which everyone from friends and family to total strangers has an opinion on.

‘Celebrity trends mean there are an ever-growing list of baby names to choose from, but this also means more opportunities to choose a name which you, or your child, then learn to loathe.’

Our words of wisdom: Take your time, don’t let anyone else add pressure to your choice, and have a list of backup options just in case.

And remember, it’s always possible for your child to change their name when they get older, so it isn’t a total disaster if you get your choice a bit wrong.

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MORE: All the baby name trends cool parents need to know about


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