
Parents of kids with Down’s syndrome are the lucky few

I don’t think of Olly as having a disability (Picture: Sally Phllips)

This week a mother successfully sued the NHS in the high court for failing to identify that her baby had Down’s syndrome.

Ms Mordel said it would have been better if her baby did not exist than ‘suffer as disabled people suffer’, so had the Down’s syndrome been confirmed, she would have terminated her child.

My eldest son, Olly, has the same genetic make-up as the child at the centre of this case, yet everything about it feels alien to me.

I don’t think of Olly as having a disability. He open-air swims whatever the weather and makes people who try to patronise him call him Jeff. He’s brave and persistent and funny. He dances in his pants, sings like a sea lion and believes he can play the piano. He loves dogs, pizza and his friends Amira, Abi and Zach. He worships Chelsea FC and has four other teams as back up. He loves us and we love him. We’re not alone.

One study of 2000 families, by Dr Brian Stotko, found that 99 percent of people with Down’s syndrome are happy with their lives and 97 percent of family members love their DS relative. That’s unusually high, right? Another study of over 3000 parents from more than 50 countries showed that while 25 per cent saw Down’s syndrome as a tragedy on being given a positive test result, given time only 0.68 percent felt the same way.

Someone told me early on ‘the disability club is one that nobody wants to join, but once you do you realise all the best people in the world are in it with you’. Parents of kids with Down’s syndrome call themselves ‘the lucky few’. There’s a great community, people have even got matching tattoos.

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Please help us get the message out there that life with Down’s syndrome is just different, not worse (Picture: Sally Phillips)

I’m nervous the high court case this week will mean medics revert to repeatedly offering terminations on diagnosis of Down’s syndrome, even when mothers have clearly refused, and inadvertently put pressure on them to terminate. Hard to carry a baby you don’t want, worse to be strong-armed into to terminating.

I’ve spoken to women traumatised by being asked at every appointment, ‘are you sure?’. Women who have to justify how they would ‘cope’ with a baby with a learning disability. Women who have been told, during labour, ‘it’s not too late to terminate’. Pregnant women left with PTSD after surgical termination was described to them in detail, even though they had been clear they wanted their baby.

Women shouldn’t be offered a termination along with a positive test result for Down’s syndrome. I’m not sure there should even be a test. The world has moved on.

Medical advances mean that life span is significantly increased. Social advances mean that civil society stands up against discrimination. We promote diversity in our schools and workplaces and yet, this outdated presumption of unbearable suffering, where it would be better for all involved if the baby didn’t live, persists.

99 percent of people with Down’s syndrome are happy with their lives and 97 percent of family members love their DS relative (Picture: Sally Phillips)

‘Wrongful birth payouts suggest that being born disabled is inherently wrong or unacceptable, which in a social climate that claims to be all embracing I struggle to reconcile,’ says Adam Pearson, writer and presenter of Eugenics: Science’s Greatest Scandal. ‘If you were to replace Down syndrome with LGTBQ+ or race the discrimination is easy to spot.’

Colette Lloyd of the Down Syndrome Research Foundation makes the same point about gender. ‘The judge was quick to say that this case did not reflect on the value of lives of people with Down’s syndrome, although of course it does. Imagine bringing a wrongful birth case because you’d had a girl.’

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The Down’s syndrome community is working hard for a culture shift, to get NHS trusts to introduce a support pathway for women who wish to continue their pregnancies. Come visit us in Down’s syndrome land if you haven’t (music and moonlight and love and romance) and please help us get the message out there that life with Down’s syndrome is just different, not worse.

Ask my friend Heidi, who is planning a spectacular wedding to the love of her life next year – both bride and bridegroom, have Down’s syndrome. Not that different to many other 20-somethings, with no suffering individuals in sight.

For more stories of life with Down’s syndrome see

MORE: Woman becomes country’s first nursery school teacher with Downs syndrome

MORE: World’s longest Down’s syndrome marriage stronger than ever after 27 years


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