
Overheard voice at the end of Theresa May's speech says what we're all thinking

A voice was overheard at the end of Theresa May’s speech in Downing Street this evening expressing a sentiment many watching would agree with.

The Prime Minister made a statement on Brexit where she slammed MPs for failing to pass her Withdrawal Agreement in time for Brexit at the end of next week.

She blamed the House of Commons for failing to agree a means to implement the result of the 2016 referendum and said she believes voters just want this stage of the Brexit process to be over.

And she told voters: “I am on your side.”

Mrs May said: “Of this, I am absolutely sure: You the public have had enough. You are tired of the infighting, you’re tired of the political games and the arcane procedural rows, tired of MPs talking about nothing else but Brexit when you have real concerns about our children’s schools, our National Health Service, knife crime.

Theresa May gave a statement this evening where she didn’t say a lot of new information


“You want this stage of the Brexit process to be over and done with. I agree. I am on your side. It is now time for MPs to decide.”

But a lone voice was then heard to reply: “Oh please” as the embattled Prime Minister walked away from the lectern.

A short extension of Brexit until the end of June is now considered likely followng a statement from the president of the European Council.

Mr Tusk, a former Polish prime minister, told a press conference in Brussels: “In the light of the consultations that I have conducted over the past days, I believe that a short extension would be possible.

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Brexit appears set to be delayed and Theresa May has pinned the blame on MPs

“But it would be conditional on a positive vote on the Withdrawal Agreement in the House of Commons.

“The question remains open as to the duration of such an extension.”

Mr Tusk indicated that it should be possible for leaders of the remaining EU 27 to approve his plan at a summit in the Belgian capital starting on Thursday.

He said that while he did not foresee the need for another “extraordinary” summit next week, he would not hesitate to call one if necessary.

“If the leaders approve my recommendations and there is a positive vote in the House of Commons next week, we can finalise and formalise the decision on extension in the written procedure,” he said.

“However, if there is such a need, I will not hesitate to invite the members of the European Council for a meeting to Brussels next week.”

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