
Only those with razor-sharp minds will solve 'H2OT' brainteaser in 30 seconds

If you’re itching to give your brain a workout, there’s nothing quite like a brainteaser to get the cogs turning – and this water-themed TikTok quiz has left people scratching their heads in confusion.

As we hit the end of the week, your brain might be feeling a bit weary or muddled and in need of a spark. It’s common knowledge that physical exercise is vital, but dedicating time to flex our mental muscles is equally crucial.

Brainteasers are not only fun, they can enhance cognitive abilities and sharpen your observational skills – and even if you reckon you know how you fare under pressure, a quirky quiz could just confirm it.

The Ezz Show, a hot favourite on social media for those who love a good game or quiz, dishes out everything from TV show puzzles to catchphrases and word games, keeping TikTok users glued to their screens and amassing over 18.3 million likes.

In a recent post, two women were seen racking their brains over an elements quiz from the page.

The pair were given the equation ‘H2OT’ and had to work out what it symbolises. The participants’ first guess was “too hot” before one participant pointed out after eight seconds that H2O refers to water. She then guessed if the answer was “hot water”.

The presenter said: “You know what that is an amazing guess and actually kind of close.” The pair also guessed if it was “boiling hot water” or TV show Too Hot To Handle. One of the participants wondered if the colour of the letters was a clue and guessed “red hot water”.

After a minute of attempting to guess, the presenter told them that the puzzle is a common phrase and is often used when someone is in trouble. Watch this clip below to see if you can figure it out…

After several attempts and one minute and 48 seconds later, one of the contestants finally cracked it with “in hot water” as the correct answer. Did you nail the answer without breaking a sweat? If you figured out the phrase in under 30 seconds, you might just have a genius-level IQ.

Did you manage to get the answer straight away? Let us know in the comments section below!


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