Don’t let yourself get distracted by thinking of Elvis Presley singing Viva Las Vegas as you attempt this tricky puzzle. If you do you won’t be able to find the three wedding rings hidden in the image.
Yes, hidden amongst the gamblers hoping to strike it lucky and the people watching the happy bridal couple say their vows in the image above are three sparklers. Marketing agency Socially Powerful, which created the brainteaser, says only those with the eyes of a hawk can spot the wedding rings in under 11 seconds. Don’t worry if you cannot quite manage it because the answer is revealed in the picture below.
According to the brainteaser‘s creators, around 120,000 weddings take place in Las Vegas, USA, every year.
Planning one there is easier than solving the puzzle because there are lots of big hotels and lots of little wedding chapels.
Some experts suggest doing one or two brainteasers like this a day could have long-term benefits.
Repeatedly doing them alongside other exercises to test your mind, such as Sudoku, could help improve brain health.
The brain is a muscle and ensuring it is exercised regularly is crucial because the healthier and fitter your brain is, the less likely you are to develop a neurodegenerative condition such as dementia.
This isn’t to say that brain teasers will stop you from getting dementia, other factors play a role, too; but they could help keep your brain healthy.