
Ōkami is best the Zelda game never made – Reader’s Feature

Ōkami – the next best thing to Zelda

A reader explains why it took him three attempts to enjoy Breath Of The Wild and where he thinks open world games often get it wrong.

The Legend Of Zelda has always been one of Nintendo’s flagship franchises and its 3D debut, Ocarina Of Time, still serves as the benchmark for action adventure games.

By and large, 3D Zelda games have stuck to the conventions set out by Ocarina Of Time. That’s no surprise: it’s Ocarina Of Time’s familiar blend of puzzles, characters, combat and dungeons that has kept the series so popular.

Breath Of The Wild did away with many of these concepts and, whilst it’s a brilliant game, it’s a very different experience to its predecessors. Dungeons are shorter and more spread out. A compelling story is replaced by a sparse narrative of only a few cut scenes. A linear overworld, covered with towns and secrets, is replaced by a vast open world largely devoid of people.

With the announcement of a sequel to Breath Of The Wild, which seems to follow a similar trend as the original, it’s left me wanting a more classic 3D Zelda game on Switch.

Ōkami HD arrived on Switch last year and it’s everything I could have wanted. Though the game’s setting and story is nothing like any Zelda game, the gameplay is wonderfully reminiscent of Ocarina Of Time. Instead of a large open world, the focus is squarely on puzzle solving. Dungeons, though spread a bit thin, are fairly large. Similar to Zelda, you’ll be constantly unlocking new abilities, mainly new skills for your paintbrush. This paintbrush is the main gimmick of the game, allowing you to draw onto the environment. Especially considering this was the studio’s first take on a 3D adventure games, everything feels remarkably refined.

Fans of The Wind Waker will be pleased to know this game has a delightful, cel-shaded look, and this is combined with a unique style to make the game look like a traditional Japanese painting, with every object being made of little brush strokes.

Ōkami uses this Japanese art style to tell a story heavily inspired by Japanese legends. You play as a wolf god called Amaterasu who, like Link, is voiceless. Most of the talking is done by your companion Issun, a tiny bug who’s reminiscent of Navi, but is far less annoying. Together, you and Issun embark on a quest to free the land of Nippon from the grasp of the evil beast Orochi, a journey that sees you trekking through grasslands, forests and villages.

The only real downside is the combat, which is surprising given many of the people who made this game went on to found PlatinumGames, a studio renowned for crafting action adventures with deep and satisfying battles. In Ōkami, you attack enemies by pressing, virtually, two buttons. To make matters worse, many enemies are invulnerable until they perform a specific move, meaning battles quickly degenerate into a game of waiting for enemies to expose their weak points. Combat is further hampered by its lack of difficulty: most enemies rarely attack you and when they do it does only a small amount of damage.

All in all, Ōkami is a game that wears its inspirations on its sleeve. When it debuted in 2006 comparisons were frequently drawn with the, at the time, recently released Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess. That Ōkami beat Twilight Princess in many 2006 game of the year lists is a testament to its quality.

It might be a bit dated but Ōkami HD is a brilliant way to scratch that classic 3D Zelda itch and, at £15.99, it’s one of the best deals on the Switch.

By reader Matt U

The reader’s feature does not necessarily represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.

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