
NASA’s pioneering InSight Rover taken off line after hitting snag on Mars

The Insight lander’s HP3 probe, also referred to as the “mole”, has been designed to dig up to 16 feet into the ground, and came on line on February 28. However, alarm bells have sounded back on Earth after controllers realised no actual progress was being made, despite continual hammering. Subsequent analysis suggested the mole, which measures just 16 inches in length, has scarcely got out of the tube which was guiding its descent to the planet’s surface.

Tests revealed it had penetrated to a depth of between seven and 20 inches as a result of delivering 4,000 hammer blows over a four-hour period – significantly shallower than scientists had been hoping for.

Professor Tillman Spohn, HMP3’s principal investigator from the German space agency, said: “On its way into the depths, the mole seems to have hit a stone, tilted about 15 degrees and pushed it aside or passed it.

“The mole then worked its way up against another stone at an advanced depth until the planned four-hour operating time of the first sequence expired.”

Professor Spohn said the mole had now been stood down from operations in order to give he and his colleagues a chance to assess the situation.

He explained: “The team has decided to pause the hammering for now to allow the situation to be analysed more closely and jointly come up with strategies for overcoming the obstacle.”

The probe is currently sat on a flat area of Mars near to the planet’s equator, in a region known as the Elysium Planitia.

It was selected after the InSight lander carried out an extensive study of the surface from orbit, which suggested the soil there might be deep with few large subterranean objects.

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Tests conducted on Earth prior to launch suggested the mole would be able to work its way through gravel and potentially even larger stones if given sufficient time, but the setback has highlighted once again the difficulties of conducting science experiments on Mars.

Mr Spohn said: “Planetary exploration is not as easy as pie.”

InSight will look to drill down into the planet’s interior and take the “vital signs” of Mars – its pulse (seismology), temperature (heat flow), and its reflexes (radio science).

One of the mission’s key aims is to measure the levels of geological activity, and specifically seismic disturbances known as “marsquakes”.

Principal investigator Bruce Banerdt told shortly prior to launch in May 2018: “This will be the first mission to probe the depths of Mars and map out the detailed structure of its interior.”

“For InSight, marsquakes will act like flashbulbs that will allow us to “see” what is inside Mars. 

“Each marsquake will send vibrations, or waves, travelling through the planet. 

“These waves are modified by the material they pass through, so when we record them with our seismometer we can decode this information and start to put together a 3-D picture of the inside of Mars.”

He added: “InSight’s measurements will help establish exactly how active the planet is, and together with the determination of the interior structure we will be able to better estimate its history of activity.

“It will be the first thorough check-up since the planet formed 4.5 billion years ago.”

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