
My life in sex: the insatiable husband

After nearly 20 years of marriage, my physical desire for my wife is utterly insatiable. I have a stimulating, engaging job, but spend much of the day fantasising about her. Thankfully, I am satisfied most evenings when we make love passionately.

I don’t want to be one of those men who sulks or manipulates in order to obtain sex, so I do my best to take it on the chin when it’s clearly off the table. I have restless days and nights when I know I’m becoming too demanding, and have to impose strict self-discipline. Luckily, my wife has a powerful sex drive, too, but sometimes she asks if I primarily love her for her body. In all honesty, I don’t know the answer.

I never fantasise about other women or watch pornography; I find seductive images of my wife more arousing than any strangers online. I dread the onset of her period and probably track her cycle more closely than she does. When it comes, it can last a full, agonising week. The first night afterwards is sheer bliss.

I have a few hobbies, but these often feel like filling time away from my true passion. I bitterly resent my job when it leaves me too exhausted for love-making. I am an otherwise temperate individual, but sometimes I wonder if I’m addicted to monogamous sex. Then again, there are worse addictions.

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