
Mum forced to pay £1,000 to send her three kids on a school trip… and says she’ll have to cancel a family holiday to afford it

A MUM-OF-THREE has revealed she will be forced to cancel her family holiday if she has to fork out £1,000 to send her children on a school trip.

The desperate mum has taken to a parenting forum to ask for advice, after admitting paying for the trip – which costs £350 per child – would leave her completely broke.

 The mum said she may have to cancel her holiday to afford the trip


The mum said she may have to cancel her holiday to afford the tripCredit: Getty – Contributor

“DC [dear children] have come home from school with a letter about next year’s school trip which will be £350 a child,” she wrote on Mumsnet.

“I have three DC in the classes eligible to go (I have twins), that’ll mean over a grand which will be a massive struggle.

“The DC want to go naturally as most of their classes will (although I doubt that all the children will).

“We can’t cancel the holiday without losing money and to be honest, I don’t want to cancel two weeks of a family holiday to pay for three nights of a school trip.

 Other users agreed it was too expensive, while some suggested she speak to the school


Other users agreed it was too expensive, while some suggested she speak to the schoolCredit: Mumsnet

“”I just think over £1k on school trips is way too much. We wouldn’t be able to pay for it without cancelling our holiday (and still losing money).”

And other parents rushed to the post to offer their advice, with many able to relate to the mum’s dilemma.

One wrote: “You’ve got to keep your holiday. Yes it’s disappointing for them, but that’s life.”

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While another said: “No way would I be spending a grand on a three-day school trip at the expense of a two-week holiday for all of you.”

 One said they doubted most parents had three children to pay for at once


One said they doubted most parents had three children to pay for at onceCredit: Mumsnet

Others admitted it sounded like “a very expensive school trip” while some suggested speaking to the school to see if they could help.

“I know ours received funding from the local Rotary group who paid for a couple of children and subbed a couple,” they wrote.

Another – who appeared to work at a school – said: “Do talk to the school. We could get a discount for twins from the people we booked with and we could often find some money to help families who are struggling.”

Others took a harsher view, however, commenting that the mum shouldn’t “blame” the school.

“If you can’t afford it, the kids can’t go. It’s not the school’s fault you have three DC in the years that can go on the trip.”

Another pointed out that not many people have three kids to pay for at once.

What would you do?

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