
Mum calls her kids the ultimate ‘c**k blockers’ who make loving her husband feel like a ‘chore’

IN A super-honest social media post, a mum has revealed the struggle to keep a marriage alive while raising young kids.

Laura Mazza, 32, joked that her children are the ultimate “c**k blockers” who make loving her husband feel like a “chore”.

A mum has joked on Facebook that her young kids are "c**k blockers"


A mum has joked on Facebook that her young kids are “c**k blockers”Credit: themumontherun_/Instagram

In a post on Facebook, the blogger from Australia opened up about how relationships as new parents are “hard”.

She wrote: “Relationships when you have little kids are really hard you guys. Really hard.”

The mum continued: “I mean, kids are some real c**k blockers. My husband and I tried to have a desperate date night because we have been on thin ice and my night ended up having to console a tantrum because I was done singing happy birthday for candles I lit to strike the mood.

“But it’s more than that. It’s like all the things that didn’t irritate you about someone start to really irritate you. There’s arguments about sex. Arguments about who is more sleep deprived.

Laura Mazza said raising young children had made loving her husband feel like a "chore"


Laura Mazza said raising young children had made loving her husband feel like a “chore”Credit: Instagram

“And eventually…there’s no arguments at all, because your communication becomes dead. And that s**t hurts. Hurts more than anything.”

Laura admitted: “We broke up and called it quits. It hasn’t been the first time, but this time it was almost for real and it made me question whether I was ready to give up the last seven years.”

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Then, she explained how a friend had made her realise that marriage shouldn’t be a “chore” but a state you “choose” to be in.

The mum added: “To me, love isn’t ‘if’ or ‘because’, love is ‘even though’ and ‘in spite of’.

The blogger admitted their relationship has struggled as parents


The blogger admitted their relationship has struggled as parentsCredit: Instagram

“And even though it chips away, I know deep down in my soul, I love him and he loves me. 

“Because I’ll wash his laundry and he will wash mine. Because I’ll buy him orange chocolate because I know it’s his favourite. Because he will buy both pairs – when I send him two pictures of different earrings I like.

“Because he will let me sleep a little bit and get up with the kids. Because we will both message each other on the way home from being out asking if the other wants McDonald’s.

“Because even when we fight we choose each other again and again. We choose each other, in spite of it all.”

Laura's post struck a chord with fellow mums


Laura’s post struck a chord with fellow mumsCredit: itslauramazza/Instagram

Her post struck a chord with fellow mums who left more than 1,400 ‘likes’ in just three hours.

One person commented: “This resonated me with so much, this is exactly where we are.

“I have wanted to break up for a while as I feel the marriage is dead but there isn’t really anything wrong is just nothing, but the thing that has stopped me, apart from my kids, is exactly what you have said, you have basically articulated what I am feeling.

“Thanks for the understanding, making me not so alone and the hope that if we work we might be able to work through it.”

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She revealed how the strain had almost lead her to split with her other half


She revealed how the strain had almost lead her to split with her other halfCredit: themumontherun_/Instagram

Another wrote: “I hear you, loud and clear! Been there, worn the t-shirt, it’s a struggle!! But take it from me, there is light at the end of the tunnel…

“My hubby and I have been together for 23 years our children are 12 and 16 now, with their own independence.

“This phase of our relationship is so amazing and exciting, we are literally rediscovering each other and falling in love all over again!”

A third shared: “I so needed to read this today. Thank you.”

And a fourth added: “This is beautiful and so true.”

In other parenting news, we told you how a mum gave her daughter, four, three lunchboxes as she’d “rather her have too much”.

We also told you how a mum-of-16 has showed off her £232 weekly food shop – including 72 eggs and 36 litres of milk.

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And a mum has shared a packed lunch tip to stop bananas going brown.

Mum-of-16 shows off her weekly food shop – including 36 litres of milk and 30 chicken drumsticks


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