
Mixed Up: ‘I would ask my parents multiple times to prove that I wasn’t adopted’

Mixed Up is a series that addresses the highs, lows and unique experiences of being mixed-race.

Mixed-race is the fastest-growing ethnic group in the UK. And it can be complicated.

Alongside the unique pleasures and benefits of being exposed to multiple cultures, it also comes with complexities, conflicts and innate contradictions.

These weekly installments aim to elevate the narratives of mixed-race people and take a closer look at the nuanced realities of being part of this rapidly growing ethnic group.

Shara Tochia is the founder of wellness brand DOSE, and she is half Irish and half Indian. These days, her family are spread out across the globe.

(Picture: Jerry Syder)

‘My father is Indian, but he was born and raised in Kenya,’ Shara tells

‘My family are everywhere now. Australia, US, Ireland, Canada, UK, France and more. And that’s only aunts, uncles and first cousins.

Like many mixed-race people Shara’s appearance is somewhat ambiguous. Her ethnicity isn’t immediately apparent on first glance – and that leads to questions. But that isn’t something that frustrates Shara – she finds other people’s uncertainty rather entertaining.

‘It’s really fun asking people to guess where you’re from by looking at you. I have had it all – Spanish, South American, Persian, Italian, Thai, Philippino. The list is endless,’ she explains.

‘It also entertains me greatly when I have a sun tan – I obviously tan very easily and quickly with my skin – people who don’t know me well, or are obsessed with being tanned, ask me, “how did you get so brown?”, where I respond, “I’m half Indian!”

‘Maybe don’t assume that I just spend my days lying in the sunshine.

‘As a mixed-race person, I do not identify as white. Some mixed people may do, but people should not assume.’

Shara with her mum and dad (Picture: Shara Tochia/

Shara has experienced racism both directly and second-hand – hearing the stories from her parents. But she is confident that attitudes in this country have improved since she was a child.

‘My first experience of racism was in primary school; being called a derogatory name by a boy in my class. I was horrified and confused,’ Shara tells us.

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‘My father and mother experienced a lot of racism in their early time dating before they got married. It’s really sad to hear those stories from them.

‘Racism to me is a sign of the lack of education and world experience a person has had. I hope with more exposure to different cultures that racism will eventually be eradicated.

‘As a child, it was very strange as you learn so much from other people’s reactions.

‘My mother was born in the countryside of Ireland. In the late 80s and 90s we were stared at a lot by the locals when we visited as a family.

Little Shara with her two sisters (Picture: Shara Tochia/

‘Now, I don’t mind at all. It’s a talking point and you notice other characteristics you have inherited from your parents and family instead – your smile, temper, patience – it’s about so much more than simply inheriting an ethnicity.

‘You never escape racism, and I still experience it from time to time. Fortunately, I’m older and wiser now, and I am able to know how to respond to a person if they make a racist remark.’

But it wasn’t always easy to swallow the differences in her family. Growing up in a white area of Essex, Shara often struggled to comprehend why she looked different.

‘I found it difficult as a child understanding that I didn’t look like either of my parents,’ she explains.

‘My school friends used to tease me, saying I was adopted. I asked my parents multiple times to prove to me that I was not adopted.

‘I wish I had learnt to speak Gujarati so that I could communicate with my grandparents when they were alive. My sisters and I were the only children on my dad’s side of the family who did not speak the language. We used to have to ask my cousins, aunts and uncles to translate.’

And that is where the real contradiction lies. Feeling ‘other’ in both environments – your Indian family and your white school friends. But being mixed-race is as much about abundance as it is about lacking.

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For Shara, her enormous family and huge variety of cultural influences is a gift that she will always cherish.

‘I love the cultural differences from both sides of my heritage, but I particularly love the food on my Indian side,’ says Shara.

‘I have an enormous family, with over 40 first cousins across both sides and they are spread all over the globe.

‘I know all of them and love to visit them all over the world.

‘I think having mixed-race heritage and parents who are not from the UK has definitely formed part of my interest to travel and live in different countries – and my parents encourage it.

OK, that’s a lot of cousins (Picture: Shara Tochia/

‘I wish I could say I have learnt to cook Indian food, but I am the world’s worst cook.

‘My dad’s cooking is my favourite thing about going home. I can eat his food all day every day.

‘But I have definitely learnt that you can add spice to everything to make it taste better! I love curry a lot more than I love bacon and cabbage.’

Looking to the future, Shara feels really positive about the change in conversation around mixed-race people – in particular the increased awareness and acknowledgement of our growing existence.

‘With the growth of mixed-race people in this country – there is now even a hashtag on Instagram #thefutureisbrown – we now have a tick box which is great to see.

‘Previously on all applications to dentists, sports teams, events, when asked for our ethnic origin, we would have to tick the box “OTHER” box. Now, there is “MIXED-RACE” and in some cases, I have seen “ASIAN + WHITE”.

‘The simple fact of giving us a box shows that people are listening to us – that they know we are here. That’s a huge step in allowing mixed people like me to forge our own identities, rather than being lumped as “other”.

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‘In London, attitudes are improving overall in my opinion. I live in London so I can see that.

‘London is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world and living there is like living in a bubble. Every day I see people, businesses and initiatives supporting diversity and driving awareness to diversity which is great.

‘Seeing advertising campaigns from Nike about being a “LDNR” focus on diverse communities really was a massive step in the right direction.’

But Shara knows there is still more to be done. She thinks representation in advertising and in the media is crucial – and brands still have a long way to go, particularly in the beauty sector.

‘I work in the wellness industry and DOSE, my business, has an advertising based business model.

‘It’s important to me to ensure that we use photography and creative visuals that represent a diverse range of people through our platforms.

‘It’s fantastic to see global and national brands genuinely representing different ethnicities and cultures to allow real people from all over the world to buy into the lifestyles that brands are showcasing – creating equal opportunity through advertising.

‘It’s about breaking the mould and not about ticking a box.

‘It is important to me as a mixed-race person to support diversity through my business, in my social circles and with the voice I have to affect the future world of opportunity to other mixed-race and non-white people.

‘I am different because of the upbringing I have had with my family and exposure to different cultures. I am proud of being mixed-race and it will always be an integral part of my identity.’

MORE: Mixed Up: ‘Saying you love mixed-race babies is creepy’

MORE: Mixed Up: ‘People try to guess my ethnicity – they always guess wrong’

MORE: Mixed Up: ‘I’ve been called a liar because I look so much whiter than my brother’


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