A furious Labour MP has laid bare the cost of austerity for Britain’s schools.
Birmingham Yardley MP Jess Philips said the country was a “breaking point”.
Appearing on All Out Politics on Sky News she said the country simply couldn’t afford not to invest in children’s future.
She said: “They can’t afford to cut the grass in our local parks
“This isn’t Maidenhead or Maidstone, this is a deprived area – 36%of the children live in poverty.
“It needs more money it is as simple as that.
“They can say the Labour Party love to spend money.
“Do you know what? I like spending money more than I like children in poverty.”
She also said that cuts were pushing children into the arms of gangs, fuelling violence on our streets.

(Image: Sky News)
Ms Philips added: “Children who are out of school are ending up in gangs and killing each other where I live.
“This is breaking point where I live.
“The Department of Education is saying teachers should do more with their money.
“Their are schools in my constituency that have to help kids get to school from temporary accommodation 18 miles away in hotels and service stations.”

(Image: Sky News)
Asked about how she would pay for the changes she hit out at alleged government waste.
She said: “The deficit my children’s school has is around 150,000 a year.
“The cost [for all schools] would be millions, even billions – but you know what Chris Grayling wasted £2.7billion.
“I tell you what I’ll have the £33million from the ferry contract.
“We can sit here and say the country can’t afford it, but the the country can’t afford not to do this.
“This is the lives of the children across the country – it isn’t just an inner city issue.”

(Image: Sky News)
Earlier she had tweeted a letter from her children’s school informing her s the school could start shutting at 1pm on the last day of the week.
She tweeted: “Dear @DamianHinds and @theresa_may cheers for this. Here is an email from my son’s school I just received. #welcometomyworld.
“Oh while I’m here @DamianHinds @theresa_may feel like a report to @EHRC coming on from the same email from my son’s school #f***yourlittleextras.
“I’m guessing my Tory colleagues kids schools are not so similar crippled that they can only stay open 4.5 days a week.
“I’d like to once again invite @theresa_may to come to my constituency, if she could come on a Friday and pick my son up from school at 1pm as his school can’t afford to stay open. In fact I think I’ll leave him on the steps of @10DowningStreet.”
A Department for Education spokesperson told Sky News : “We have protected the core schools budget overall in real terms since 2010, and put an additional £1.3bn into core schools funding across 2018-19 and 2019-20, over and above plans set out at the last Spending Review.
“While there is more money going into our schools than ever before, we recognise the budgeting challenges schools face and that we are asking them to do more.
“That’s why we’re supporting schools and head teachers, and their local authorities, to make the most of every pound.”