A MUM-OF-TWINS has complained about the rude comments some people make about her kids, insisting she “didn’t choose” to have two babies.
Justine Pendrill took to TikTok to rage about a remark one woman made about her twins, recalling: “I’ve just had a woman at a baby group stop me and was like, ‘Oh I think I saw you yesterday.’
“She was like, ‘I was with my friend and she said, “Oh can you imagine? I would hate that (having twins). You could never…”‘
“Um, do you get a choice?” Justine fumed.
“When you find out you’re having twins, you don’t get a f**king choice.
“Have a day off hun, it’s not a compliment, shut up.”

People in the comments section shared Justine’s anger about such remarks, with one writing: “I’m 30 weeks with twin girls and at play groups mums always say ‘Better you than me! I’d hate that.’
“It’s so rude. I didn’t choose this.”
And Justine replied: “Exactly. Also any baby is a blessing. So excited for you, it’ll be the best. Twin mum life is fab.”
Another added: “I remember when a friend of mine was pregnant, she literally told me if she was me she would have killed herself rather than have twins.”
“That’s so crazy,” Justine said. “Like it’s daunting, but still.”
But others insisted Justine should have taken the comment as a “backhanded compliment”.
“Hopefully she means it as a compliment, like she can hardly cope with one baby but you’re managing two?” another wrote.

“That’s how I’d take it anyway!
“Back handed compliments,” someone else said. “‘I couldn’t do it’, what would you do then hun? Leave one in the porch?”