
It is actually impossible for dads to ‘babysit’ their children

Rose and her partner share the care of their child evenly (Picture: Rose Stokes)

Going about my business on a typical Saturday morning, I bumped into a parent I’d met at a baby group.

We briefly exchanged pleasantries and then she asked me where my son was. 

Daddy daycare, is it?’ she said with a tongue-in-cheek tone and a smile.

I let out a small guffaw, before saying: ‘If you mean, is his dad looking after him then yes, he is!’

This exchange happened over a year ago, and while it was a small interaction, it’s one that I often think about.

Because when people commend my partner (my child’s father) for being such a ‘hands-on dad’ or even being ‘so good with’ our son, I can’t help but feel there’s a hidden implication there.

That by default should be the one with my son and my partner can opt in as and when he feels like it. 

I was reminded of this very conversation earlier this week when Rachael Burford, chief political correspondent at The Evening Standard, tweeted about Joe Powell, the Labour candidate fighting London’s most marginal seat (Kensington and Bayswater). 

In the post, Burford said that Powell was exhausted after doing ‘double shifts’ of ‘babysitting and door knocking after his wife gave birth to twins last week’. 

The tweet has since taken over my feed after being comprehensively re-shared by many angry (mostly) women.

There’s a lot to unpick here, although it is important to first acknowledge, in this age of internet furore in which we live, that Burford quickly recognised the poor wording of her tweet.

‘And yes, to the several people pointing out, he is obviously parenting his children, not “babysitting” as I said in the first post,’ she wrote. 

Rose and her partner were on the same page about having kids from the beginning (Picture: Rose Stokes)

We all make genuine errors, so let’s leave it there as I am sure she is sick of hearing about this.

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More interesting (to me at least) is the wider debate it sparked online about how men and women’s roles are commonly described when it relates to caring for their children. This is something I am both aware of in a social sense and have also experienced first-hand in the two years since having my first child. 

It’s not a new concept, this idea that childcare is expected of a mother but considered a ‘bonus’ if it comes from the father. But it is one that I’ve observed is less and less the case in modern society.

For the purposes of this article, I’m focusing only on heterosexual relationships, as this baggage doesn’t seem to blight same-sex relationships in the same way. As such, both in my family and those of most of my friends, the fathers are proactive in the care of their children and competent at looking after them.

They take the lead without being told to and genuinely want to be equal partners to the mothers of their children.

These fathers don’t do it for praise and they don’t do it on their partner’s instructions – they do it because they want to develop a strong bond and connection with their children, and also because it is right and fair.

On that note, among the relatively privileged people I know, most often the path to parenthood has started with a mutual decision to start trying to conceive, and an explicit discussion in which both parties have expressed a desire to have a child. 

In my case, it was something that came up even before we had our first date. 

The day before we were due to meet, my partner sent me a message to say that he wanted me to know before we opened the door to the possibility of a future relationship that he really wanted children, and not too far into the future. 

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Luckily for me, we were on the same page, which removed a huge amount of pressure from my shoulders in the weeks and months that followed as we began to establish ourselves as a couple. More men should do this.

The more we praise dads for simply doing their fair share of parenting, the more we exacerbate this issue (Picture: Rose Stokes)

But back to my first point, in this context, when a man expresses a desire to be a parent, consents to becoming one and then goes on the journey with his partner towards making that happen, why shouldn’t he take on 50% of the work? 

There are obviously numerous pieces of research demonstrating the importance of maternal bonds with children, and that is not something I am here to dispute. 

But in an age when most mums have their own careers and lives away from their children and partners, I firmly believe women should not have to sacrifice it all at the altar of parenthood while their partner gets to pick and choose.

In our case, my husband and I are pretty even, really. 

Granted, in the first year it was less so as I was the full-time carer of our son. But whenever he was around he parented our child without hesitation – and he certainly didn’t need to be nudged.

I know not all mothers are in the same boat as me (though I refuse to use the word ‘lucky’ here, because in my opinion, it reinforces the same view that I am so desperately trying to fight back against). And I was definitely surprised, for example, to observe how some of the different couples we came across in early parenthood passively defaulted to outdated gender norms.

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In my view, the more we praise dads for simply doing their fair share of parenting, the more we exacerbate this issue.

Look, if you’re a trad wife who really loves being the parent in charge and doing the bulk of the childcare, good for you. I am not here to judge anyone.

But if you are otherwise wired and would like to see a more equal set-up for partners up and down the country, then the next time you hear someone refer to a dad as ‘babysitting’ their kid, politely correct them. 

You don’t have to be rude – just offering a gentle reminder that parenting isn’t a gendered activity is enough. And the more we do this, the more I hope that the concept will gradually become less of an issue (and an annoyance!).

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