
I’m a pregnant mum of 3 on UC – people think we’re swimming in cash but I only have £40 to last me 3 weeks

A MUM-of-three with another on the way has revealed how she has £40 to last her three weeks.

Millie, from the UK, took to social media to explain her financial situation and how she plans to make the £40 last for her family-of-five without going to a food bank for help.

Pregnant mother of three holding £40, stating it must last three weeks.


Millie revealed she had £40 to last her just three weeks but refused to go to food banksCredit: tiktok/@millie.2103

She said: “I’ve only got £40 to last three weeks with three kids. Again.

“I am also pregnant as well, so not ideal, but this is just like a regular occurrence now.”

Millie revealed she had made the money at a car boot sale otherwise she would have been left with nothing.

Despite her strict budget, she said she didn’t want to go into a food bank for help.

“I was doing the car boot purely because don’t have any other money,” she explained.

“And that’s just the reality of it.”

The mum then said people expect her to get lots of benefits because she was a young mum but that it wasn’t her reality.

“I know there’s so many other people that feel the same, because of stereotypes of young ones with kids or benefits,” she said.

Millie agreed that some of the comments she got were horrible in regards to her finances but she was keen to make the £40 last.

She asked others for advice on how to stretch it.

Pregnant mother of three holding £40, stating it's all she has for three weeks.


The mum said people often get the wrong impression of her financial situationCredit: tiktok/@millie.2103
I’m a mum of two and get a £1.7k Universal Credit payday each month people hate me as they work 40 hours a week for the same

“Let’s watch me make this fun to last those three weeks,” the mum added.

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“Any tips or tricks? I don’t wanna use a food bank or anything like that.”

The clip has since gone viral on her TikTok account @millie.2103 with over 1 million views and 41k likes.

people were quick to offer their advice in the comments.

Everything you need to know about Universal Credit

One person wrote: “Just out of curiosity why don’t you want to use a food bank?”

“I see it as a last resort, if I have no other option then yes I would but there are people in worse positions than me,” replied Millie.

Another commented: “The cost of living is completely out of most people’s reach, you’re not alone. Go to the food bank and take a little pressure off yourself. I hope things get better for your family.”

“This is just awful I’m so sorry your going through this. The government are a disgrace! Praying it gets better for you,” penned a third.

Meanwhile a fourth said: “Pasta and sauce, rice and mince, bread & eggs go along way girl.”

“Food bank great for tins and pasta plus toiletries,” claimed a fifth.

Someone else added: “Look for food larders in your local area. They are not food banks, they are food that shops have too much of or that have short expiry date. You get 2/3 bags of shopping for £4/g.”

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