
'I won £145,000 on the lottery – but it's more of a curse than a blessing'

A woman’s dream of a better life after winning £450,000 on the lottery quickly turned into a ‘nightmare’.

She bought a ticket on a whim and only remembered it when she saw the draw on TV. To her surprise, she had won the £450,000 ($600,000) jackpot.

However, her joy was short-lived as her family and boyfriend turned against her once the money was in her account.

She shared her story on Reddit, saying: “I never thought winning the lottery would be anything other than a dream come true. But here I am, with more money than I ever imagined, and it feels like my life is falling apart

“I couldn’t believe my eyes -I had won $600,000. At first, I was in shock. I called my boyfriend, James*, and he rushed over, equally ecstatic. We were both over the moon, dreaming of what we could do with the money. But the dream quickly turned into a nightmare.”

Her boyfriend, James, started making plans for the money without consulting her. He wanted to quit his job, buy a luxury car and invest in “risky” ventures.

When she suggested they take things slow and consult a financial advisor, he became defensive. He accused her of not trusting him and trying to control everything.

The woman recounted: “Then my family got involved. My parents, who I’ve always had a strained relationship with, suddenly wanted to reconnect. They started dropping hints about their financial struggles and how they could use some help.”

“My sister, who’s always been jealous of me, outright demanded a share, saying she deserved it for all the times she ‘supported’ me. It felt like they were all looking at me differently, like I was just a bank to them now.”

As her personal life began to unravel, James grew distant, preferring the company of his friends over her. Concurrently, her family’s demands escalated in aggression.

Her parents asserted a right to her fortune, citing their role in her upbringing.

She continued: “My sister called me greedy and accused me of abandoning my family. I felt trapped and overwhelmed, unable to make anyone happy.

“James and I acknowledged that our relationship had deteriorated into one centered on finances rather than affection and respect. We chose to end things. He left, taking a sum of money as a farewell, leaving me with feelings of both relief and sorrow.”

She now regrets her lottery win, believing it has “destroyed” every significant relationship in her life.

She added: “I’m alone with my fortune, but I’ve never felt poorer. My family is barely speaking to me, and I’ve lost someone I thought I’d spend my life with. I’ve hired a financial advisor and a therapist to help me navigate this new reality, but the emotional toll is immense.

“The excitement of winning the lottery quickly soured into something else entirely for one winner,” she described in a heartfelt post. “Winning the lottery was supposed to be a blessing, but it turned into a curse. I wish I could go back to the way things were before, when life was simpler and relationships were genuine.”

Commentators on her story didn’t hold back, with one user saying: “Money changes things, often in ways we don’t expect. It’s a tough lesson, but now you know who truly has your back. Focus on protecting your mental health and finding real connections that aren’t driven by money.”

Another chimed in with advice that was all too real: “This is why you don’t tell people you’ve won the lottery. Even friends and family can fall apart when it comes to money.”


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