
I removed my 16-year-old son’s bedroom door and I don’t regret it

Would you take your teenage son’s door? (Picture: Getty Images)

Ah, those delightful teen years when you want to do everything on your own terms, even if it involves trying to fool your parents.

It seems like a bright idea at the time, after all, what they don’t know won’t hurt them. But the thing about parents is they usually find out.

And, understandably, they’re less than impressed.

This was exactly the case with a mum who took to Reddit to share she had confiscated her son’s bedroom door after he misbehaved.

Sounds like a gross invasion of privacy, right? Well, Redditors are actually siding overwhelmingly with the mum on this one. Decide for yourself if you agree.

The mum wrote: ‘Ryan is 16 and we live in an old house. So the locks on the doors are janky, we are slowly replacing them but due to the type of door we need to get custom stuff or it won’t work correctly.

‘It’s that or replace all the doors and we don’t have money for that, so custom locks it is.

The mum was initially concerned her son had hit his head (Picture: Getty Images)

‘My son’s door is usually locked, either by accident or because he wants privacy. That’s fine, and we didn’t have a problem until now.

‘I check on the kids usually before I go to bed, sometimes his door is locked so I just say goodnight outside the door.

‘Last night he had the door locked but was playing music. It was late so I told him to turn it down. No response, so I knock.

‘Nothing. I call him and it goes to voice mail, I’m panicking at this point and think he hit his head or something.

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‘No answers to anything we do, so we take the door off the frame. He’s not in his room.’

The mum then realised her son Ryan had snuck out to a party and said he didn’t return home until 4am. Talk about an all-nighter.

She wrote: ‘As punishment his door is removed… and it will stay off until he gets a new door in about two weeks.

‘That door will have the normal doorknob lock. My husband and I agree with this punishment but he told his friends and one parent keeps blowing up my phone calling me an a**hole.

‘Not to mention the argument I got in with my son, it’s for two weeks until his door gets here. I can’t just remove the lock it’s built into the door, it’s not going anywhere, we have to have the locksmith change out the locks.’

The mum also investigated whether it was a parent actually sending those abusive messages or not and discovered it was her son’s friend.

She added: ‘I checked to see if it was a parent, apparently there are ways to make the incoming message look like it’s from a different phone.

The son will only be without a door for two weeks (Picture: Getty Images)

‘It was his friend and I contacted his parents. Apparently he snuck out also and his parents apologized to me for their son’s actions and told me they will deal with it.’

While taking a child’s bedroom door may seem fairly dramatic, Reddit was largely in full support of the mum’s decision.

One Redditor commented: ‘Because this is a specific time-limited consequence – your son snuck out away from home and that’s NOT a small thing! I would say not the a**hole.

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‘You are ultimately responsible for your son’s safety and at 16 I wouldn’t exactly trust his ability to think out long-term consequences for actions right now.’

However the same commenter did add that he felt the child deserved a little privacy. They said: ‘I would offer a curtain to hang in the doorway for two weeks. This would provide some visual privacy.’

The discussion platform was clearly in agreement, giving the comment 11,000 upvotes.

Another user agreed, writing: ‘Not the a**hole. But if you haven’t already, put up a sheet in his doorway.

‘I think it’s appropriate to take away his ability to lock his door, but not necessarily appropriate to take away his privacy.’

One user who wasn’t entirely on board with the mum’s actions still said they could see where she was coming from.

They wrote: ‘You are still his legal guardian and have a responsibility to ensure their safety.

‘While I do not agree with the removal of the door entirely I understand this is for until you get a replacement with a normal lock you can access also.

‘I don’t think this is unreasonable honestly and it should teach them a lesson about sneaking out.

‘Also coming home at 4am is not okay at 16 years old. He is lucky you didn’t call the police to report him missing honestly.

‘The only thing I’ll say is perhaps allow them to hang up something to stop people looking in like a towel or curtain just for the time.’

This article was originally published on 11 July 2023.

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