Iris Buckler, 96
Lizzie is a nice person – I couldn’t do without her. She keeps everything shipshape and puts up with me.
I like my day to be full of routine. We have breakfast at 8.30am: toast and marmalade, and we use my mother’s blue china. At 11am, we’ll have a coffee.
For lunch we always have something like a cottage or fish pie. Because I have a rather sweet tooth, we have a sweet trolley that comes out at 4pm. I’m rather partial to an Eton Mess. My favourite time of the day is having a tipple – midday is sherry and 6pm for a G&T.
I also look forward to watching the news and reading the paper – I’m still very interested in what’s going on in the world.
I’ve had an interesting life, being a doctor’s wife, working as a teacher, and then as a magistrate. Though I don’t miss being a magistrate, I do enjoy talking about the past.
Lizzie Smith, 54
Being a live-in carer for Iris has taught me so much. Every day, she will say how grateful she is for the life she’s led, and her family and friends. She is so positive and her attitude has rubbed off on me.
I enjoy our chats; she talks about the war, the hunger she felt, and how there was no obesity. We chat a lot about rationing and Lyons Corner House.
I’ve looked after Iris for a few years and know how important it is for her to have as much independence as possible. She still gets herself dressed and is pretty mobile. She’s curious about life; we read the paper together and do the crossword.
I try and make each day as precious and special as possible, so that she thoroughly enjoys the last part of her life.
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