If you’re looking to enlarge your penis, it’s advisable to make some lifestyle changes.
Losing weight is a simple way to give your manhood a boost.
Shedding some pounds could help to prevent erectile dysfunction, a Harvard Health study reveals.
It will also prevent any extra bulk from making your todger from looking smaller than it actually is.
Strategically trimming your pubic hair can have similar effects.
Cutting back on body hair prevents it from swamping the intimate area.
The NHS expands more on this advice.
Its website reveals three top penis enlargement tips:
1. Trim your pubic hair – a big mound of pubic hair can make your penis look smaller than it is
2. Lose weight – a beer belly hanging over your penis can make your penis look smaller
3. Get fit – getting into shape will not only make you feel more attractive, it could also improve your sex life
Those who are feeling very self conscious about their penis size are advised to seek the advice of their local GP.
Doctors are likely to go through potential treatment options.
They may also offer counselling for those who have penis anxiety.
Speaking to the NHS, Professor Wylie explains why therapy can be beneficial.
He said: “Counselling has proven to be beneficial for men with penis anxiety.
“Therapy helps patients identify and correct any distorted views about their penis, build self-confidence and overcome fears about sexual relationships.”