
Happiness is inertia and two bathrooms | Brief letters

When asked about the secret of their long marriage, my parents’ answer is “inertia and two bathrooms” (Pass notes, 17 March). They celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary last week.
Emma Woolf

Re your article (Thames Water on TV: pity the staff, this place is decrepit, 16 March), having recently had a water bill from Thames Water asking us for a 41% rise, set against our pension rise of 4.1%, I think we put-upon customers are more deserving of pity.
Carol Hedges
Harpenden, Hertfordshire

Recent discussion of whippets (Letters, 16 March) reminds me of a conversation with an older woman who was walking a very slim dog that turned out to be a retired greyhound. I thought this would involve a lot of work, but she said: “You know how they say that you get to look like your dog? Well, I’m hoping it works.”
Marian Nyman
Whitstable, Kent

Elli Woollard’s letter on art (17 March) reminded me of a family outing to Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire, undertaken many years ago. As we walked around this architectural masterpiece, our teenage son asked: “How old do you have to be before you like this sort of stuff?”
John Kirkwood

I once swore never to get involved in the three most tedious activities known to humankind: golf, fishing and… I could never remember the third. But now, thanks to Martin S Taylor (Letters, 17 March), I’ve remembered – it’s bridge.
Dr Richard Carter
Putney, London

Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.

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