
Games Inbox: Nintendo next gen plans, Sekiro first impressions, and Control release date

As an outsider looking in, I never felt like I had enough reason to purchase an Xbone. Not that it had no unique selling points for me: full mod support for Skyrim and Fallout 4, and Cuphead, are tempters and I did want to see what Sunset Overdrive was like – if I happened to own the system.

But I still needed one or two more killer titles for me to leave my money on the table. Games with actual personality, mind you. First person shooters largely bore me, hyper realistic racers look dreary, and Gears Of Brown may have all the bombast of an action movie but no charm, wit or imagination. Like the average Steven Seagal movie, I suppose.

I go for the offbeat, the wacky, the vibrant and the inventive. Sure, there are indie games like Night In The Woods, Forgotton Anne, and Undertale – but they’re on the PlayStation 4 and Switch, too.

And now Cuphead, one of the games that helped make the Xbone a more unique and appealing proposition to my mind is no longer unique. Now the Switch is going to have it. If Sony relent and allow full mod support for the better of Bethesda’s role-players before the end of this generation (unlikely, but who can know?) then Microsoft will be left with nothing to differentiate themselves! Well, in my eyes.

Sunset Overdrive is hardly essential and I think Ori And The Blind Forest will probably come to Switch soon, too.

What a miserable failure that is, to have such a crassly American and uninspiring line-up of software! And yet, Microsoft have still done well this generation! Let’s put it this way, if Sega had done this kind of business during the sixth generation we might just be up to the Dreamcast 4 by now…

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