
Dog gives birth to adorable green puppy – and gets a very fitting name


A puppy has been named Fiona after the character from Shrek due to her unusual green colour at birth.

Annise Tooley, a 57-year-old dog lover, is the proud owner of four dogs – two chiweenie pit bulls and two American pit bulls.

Recently, her two American pitbulls became parents to five adorable puppies – three males and two females. However, one female stood out from the rest with her unique green colouring.

“I immediately looked it up and they say it’s a rare condition but it’s not harmful to her at all,” Annise revealed to What’s The Jam. She added that the colour usually fades after a few weeks, but sometimes it doesn’t.

Annise continued: “Fiona is very healthy and extremely active. She also keeps wondering away from her mom then cries when she can’t find her.”

The puppies were born on November 3 at their home in Mississippi, US. Despite wishing to keep them all, Annise admitted: “But we can’t afford that at the moment. We are going to sell them all but Fiona, I am doing a raffle for her.”

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time a colourful puppy has made headlines. A few months ago, a golden retriever gave birth to a rare lime green puppy named Shamrock, whose coat was dyed by the bile in her mother’s womb.

Her owners, Greg and Carole DeBruler, from Pensacola, Florida, initially tried to “rub” the colour off before realising Shamrock remained green.

Carole, from Ireland, expressed her surprise at the unusual colour of their new puppy, Shamrock. “While it is not uncommon for light coloured pups to have some green on them when born, Shamrock was deep, dark green,” she said.

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“My hubby and I have been raising puppies for almost 17 years now and we have never seen something quite like that!”

“From our research, we believed that she was stained from contact with biliverdin in the womb.”

“It is rare for this deep of staining to happen. “She is a cutie!” 

Shamrock’s fur has since faded.
