
Dad spends £800 building a fully-kitted playhouse during lockdown for daughter’s third birthday

LITTLE Lola Messenger loves lockdown in a playhouse built for her 3rd birthday — complete with its own kitchen, TV and imitation fireplace.

Parents Steve and Hayley wanted to surprise her after the virus cancelled her party and a trip to Florida last month.

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 A dad spent £800 building the ultimate play house for his daughter Lola while in lockdown


A dad spent £800 building the ultimate play house for his daughter Lola while in lockdownCredit: Kennedy News and Media
 Devoted dad Steve and Hayley wanted to surprise Lola for her third birthday after her party was cancelled


Devoted dad Steve and Hayley wanted to surprise Lola for her third birthday after her party was cancelledCredit: Kennedy News and Media

Steve, 32, spent £800 and fitted electrics in the timber-framed home in Hastings, West Sussex. He also used left-over wood and foam to build a toddler-sized toy Ferrari.

He said: “It took three weeks, but now Lola’s got her own place to hang out.”

Hayley, 33, added: “It’s like she’s moved out, into the back garden. She absolutely loves it.”

“We were meant to go to Florida for her birthday and had to cancel it so we thought we’d treat her to something.

 The fully-kitted playhouse also has its own kitchen


The fully-kitted playhouse also has its own kitchenCredit: Kennedy News and Media
 It took Steve three weeks to finish the house


It took Steve three weeks to finish the houseCredit: Kennedy News and Media
 Mum Hayley says it is as if Lola had already moved out as she 'absolutely loves it'


Mum Hayley says it is as if Lola had already moved out as she ‘absolutely loves it’Credit: Kennedy News and Media
 Steve even used left-over wood and foam to build a toddler-sized toy Ferrari


Steve even used left-over wood and foam to build a toddler-sized toy FerrariCredit: Kennedy News and Media

“She’s in it all day. As soon as all the tools were out she was straight inside playing.

“I’ve put her baby monitor in there so if she wants me she can shout. It gives her a bit of a independence as well.”

Lola has another treat when she’s older — a toy Ferrari made from left-over wood.


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