
Dad creates brilliant interactive stair gate to soothe his son’s tantrums for less than a tenner

Melanie and Nick Pearce, from Cornwall, with their nine-month-old son Archer (Picture: Melanie Pearce)

Why have just a plain old gate barring your kids from the stairs when you can make one that doubles as a toy?

Take inspiration from one dad, who created a brilliant interactive gate to soothe his son’s tantrums for less than a tenner.

Nick Pearce, from Cornwall, repurposed wood from an old shoe rack to craft the stair gate, painted it with blue and white paint he already had to make it more visually appealing, then stuck on a calculator, light switch, a sliding lock, a computer mouse, a doorstop, an old mobile phone and xylophone – all chosen to be things that will keep their nine-month-old son, Archer, entertained.

Nick turned an old shoe rack into an interactive stair gate for under a tenner (Picture: Melanie Pearce)

The interactive toys only cost £10 in total, and transform just a bit of furniture into a proper toy.

Plus, it looks far prettier than your bog-standard stair gate.

Nick then added hinges and a lock to make the board function as a safety gate, so it’s actually practical as well as keeping Archer busy.

Archer’s mum, Melanie Pearce, shared photos of the creation in the DIY On A Budget Official Facebook group, writing: ‘My husband built this busy board for our son which we turned into a stair gate for the lounge (hopefully stop him from standing at the gate crying when I leave the room ?).

Archer loves playing with the doorstop (Picture: Melanie Pearce)

‘I think it’s fab! It only cost around £10 to make as we already had the wood and paint.’

Archer absolutely loves the new toy, spending ages pinging the door stop and pushing buttons.

The project has received heaps of praise online, with other parents calling it ‘brilliant’ and ‘amazing’.

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Others have shared their own takes on busy boards, explaining that they can stick random tactile items on any flat bit of fabric for a cheap toy that keeps children engaged for hours.

If you’d like to make your own, make sure there are no sharp edges, remove batteries from any old calculators and phones (as these can be swallowed), and choose items that make noises or have interesting textures.

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