This is the moment a four-metre-long crocodile was caught on video swimming down a river with a puppy in its mouth.
The drone footage was captured on the Fitzroy River in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia, on January 13, by Minco de Bruin.
Minco decided to pull out his drone when he was by the river in his van and suddenly heard a massive splash.
He saw a giant tail sticking out of the water but didn’t realise that Nigel the puppy was in the crocodile’s mouth.
Nigel’s owners only found out about their pet’s death when they saw a video on Facebook of the crocodile swimming away with Nigel in its mouth.
‘We saw this giant saltwater crocodile in the Fitzroy River, close to the bridge in Rockhampton! Crazy!’ Minco unknowingly wrote on Facebook.

The owners believe that Nigel was snatched by the crocodile right in front of their home.
The local government department is warning both locals and tourists to be ‘crocwise’.
It said: ‘Crocs are apex predators that use ambush tactics, such as lying and waiting at the water’s edge, to capture their prey.
‘Just because you can’t see a croc, doesn’t mean there isn’t one close by.

‘Be crocwise aims to encourage residents and visitors in Croc Country to adopt Be Crocwise behaviours before visiting the water, and when they’re around the water, to reduce their risk of a crocodile attack.
‘This includes keeping out of the water and staying at least five metres away from the river’s edge.’
It also advises being extra cautious at night, dusk and dawn, keeping pets on leads when by water and ensuring children are always supervised.
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