
Chernobyl: How vodka is being produced by scientists from within Chernobyl

ATOMIK vodka aims to economically reinvigorate the Exclusion Zone in north Ukraine, 33 years after the worst nuclear disaster in history struck the region. In 1986, an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant forced around 116,000 thousand people to flee an 18.6-mile (30km) exclusion zone around the plant. Today, scientists at the University of Portsmouth want to use crops and water from the contaminated areas to brew alcohol. Professor Jim Smith from Portsmouth believes the Chernobyl vodka could be the world’s most important bottle of spirit. 

The researchers want to sell the vodka and donate 75 percent of the proceeds back into the affected Chernobyl communities. 

An estimated five million people across Belarus, Ukraine and Russia still live in areas affected by radiation. 

Another 400,000 are estimated to live in contaminated areas under government control. 

Professor Smith said: “I think this is the most important bottle of spirits in the world because it could help the economic recovery of communities living in and around the abandoned areas.


Chernobyl vodka: ATOMIK vodka in Chernobyl

Chernobyl vodka: British scientists are brewing alcohol with Chernobyl ingredients (Image: CHERNOBYL SPIRIT COMPANY/GETTY)

Chernobyl vodka: Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Chernobyl vodka: The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone extends in an 18-mile radius (Image: CHERNOBYL SPIRIT COMPANY)

“Many thousands of people are still living in the Zone of Obligatory Resettlement where new investment and use of agricultural land is still forbidden.”

The Chernobyl vodka is being distilled using mineral waters from an underground aquifer just six miles (10km) south of the Chernobyl plant. 

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The waters are free of contamination and, according to the Portsmouth scientists, are chemically similar to waters from the Champagne region of France.

The crops used for ATOMIK vodka are, however, contaminated with radioactive strontium-90. 


But the researchers believe the process of distillation removed most impurities and radiation from the drink for safe consumption. 

I think this is the most important bottle of spirits in the world

Jim Smith, University of Portsmouth

The Chernobyl vodka is being touted as a high-quality home-made product or moonshine, produced by The Chernobyl Spirit Company. 

Professor Smith said: “We don’t think the main Exclusion Zone should be extensively used for agriculture as it is now a wildlife reserve. 

“But there are other areas where people live but agriculture is still banned. 


“Thirty-three years on, many abandoned areas could now be used to grow crops safely without the need for distillation. 

“We aim to make a high-value product to support the economic development of areas outside the main Exclusion Zone where radiation isn’t now a significant health risk.” 

The news follows a three-year-long research project into the transfer of radioactivity into crops within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. 

The study’s findings were welcomed by the Agency of Ukraine for Exclusion Zone Management. 

Chernobyl vodka: Crops grown in Chernobyl

Chernobyl vodka: ATOMIK vodka uses crops and water from contaminated areas (Image: CHERNOBYL SPIRIT COMPANY)

Chernobyl vodka; ATOMIC vodka in Chernobyl

Chernobyl vodka: Sales profits will be put back into Chernobyl communities (Image: CHERNOBYL SPIRIT COMPANY)

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Oleg Nasvit, First Deputy Head, said: “We welcome this initiative to use abandoned lands to help local communities. 

“It is important that we do everything we can to support the restoration of normal life in these areas whilst always putting safety first.”

Mr Nasvit went on to call ATOMIK vodka a “high-quality moonshine” with a flavour reminiscent of Ukrainian grain and distillation methods. 

The Ukrainian official also said he “likes it”. 

The Chernobyl Spirit Company hopes to start properly producing and selling the vodka by the end of the year after legal requirements are fulfilled. 

The NHS advises against consuming more than 14 units of alcohol a week, where a single unit is approximately 10ml of pure alcohol.

A standard shot of alcohol measuring 25ml ABV 40 percent counts as a single unit.

The NHS said: “To keep health risks from alcohol to a low level, both men and women are advised not to regularly drink more than 14 units a week.”