
Cat owners could soon be forced to microchip their pets in plan backed by Michael Gove

CAT owners could soon be required by law to microchip their pet, Michael Gove has suggested.

A plan to give moggies the “same treatment as dogs” — whose owners have had to chip them since 2015 — was warmly welcomed by the cat-owning Environment Secretary.

 A plan to force cat owners to chip their pets was warmly welcomed by the cat-owning Environment Secretary Mr Gove
A plan to force cat owners to chip their pets was warmly welcomed by the cat-owning Environment Secretary Mr Gove

MP Rehman Chishti said he met Mr Gove after tabling a Bill seeking to ensure “certain cats” are microchipped.

But there are no details of which breeds from the 11 million-strong  cat population  are affected.

The Cats Bill will require drivers who injure or kill them to provide details or inform cops. It will also make it easier to identify cats that are hit.

The Tory MP for Gillingham and Rainham in Kent told the Commons: “In 2015 the compulsory microchipping of dogs was brought in.

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“However, there is no such provision for cats.”

He asked Mr Gove: “Can he ensure the Government does everything it can so cats get the same treatment as dogs?”

Mr Gove replied: “It’s a good Bill. I’m a cat owner — let’s bring it on.”

 MP Rehman Chishti met Mr Gove after tabling a Bill seeking to ensure 'certain cats' are microchipped

Times Newspapers Ltd

MP Rehman Chishti met Mr Gove after tabling a Bill seeking to ensure ‘certain cats’ are microchipped
 There are around 11million cats in the UK - many without microchips


There are around 11million cats in the UK – many without microchips
World’s angriest cat always attacks men and dogs but leaves women and children alone as they pass by


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