
Brooke Shields Says She Needs “Lotions and Potions” to Enjoy Sex Life

Shields’ Plastic Surgeon Performed “Bonus” Vaginal Rejuvenation

Another harrowing experience on Shields’ road to realizing that doctors don’t always know best and she is her own best advocate for her body:

After Shields was a mother of two, she wrote, she opted to undergo a labial reductionnot for aesthetic purposes, but because she’d dealt with painful labia since high school, joking with her best friend who had the same issue that it was like having “two little speed bags” between their legs.

It was still considered a cosmetic procedure, however, so Shields was referred to a male plastic surgeon in L.A. who was supposed to be the best.

Only after the four-hour operation did the doctor tell her he also took the opportunity to give her “‘a little rejuvenation'” down there as well since “‘everything is looser'” after giving birth, Shields wrote.

She’d had two C-sections, she told the doctor, but “he acted as if he’d done me a favor.” Shields was, in turn, “horrified, but also at a loss,” she wrote, recalling that she “drove home in a stupor.”

The “bonus procedure” didn’t improve her sex life, Shields wrote, but even if she’d been happy with the results she was still angry. She never took legal action, though, and at one point even wondered if perhaps she was misreading the whole situation and was lucky for the freebie.

But fast-forward to now, she wrote, and “my reaction wouldn’t be so generous.”

In fact, she added, “My sentiment is basically a giant middle finger. F–k that guy!”

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