Will on Lucy
What were you hoping for?
Someone who doesn’t take herself too seriously, who I’d have chemistry with. Also, something to get framed for the downstairs toilet.
First impressions?
Really pretty and a hugger, right up my street.
What did you talk about?
Family, friends, the new puppy I’m getting, films and books, all the classics.
Any awkward moments?
It was a bit weird when her family took the table next to us holding up newspapers with eye holes cut out.
Good table manners?
Very good, someone was raised well.
Best thing about Lucy?
Dead heat between her sense of humour and her dog. I’m a big fan of both.
Would you introduce her to your friends?
Bold of you to assume I have friends. But also yes.
Describe Lucy in three words
Loves her brie.
What do you think she made of you?
“Who’s this cool guy with his nice shirt on?”
Did you go on somewhere?
Yep, we went to a bar round the corner afterwards.
And… did you kiss?
Lamely, only on the cheek.
If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
Not much: she was a really lovely person and I had a great time getting to know her. I do wish it had been a bit colder so that I could be all gentlemanly and offer my jacket.
Marks out of 10?
A solid 8.
Would you meet again?
Yeah, for sure.
Lucy on Will
What were you hoping for?
General lols and some wtfs. Also, it was my first date ever, so I was hoping to survive.
First impressions?
Confident and very understanding of my 40-minute delay.
What did you talk about?
Millennialism, exes, travelling. A lot of cliche-filled conversations including the phrases “finding yourself” and “I love being single”, ironically.
Any awkward moments?
When he showed me images of his best friend covering his genitals with a pillow of Will’s face, and Will covering his with a custom pillow of that photo. Probably sounds confusing. It was.
Good table manners?
He let me eat all the brie, so I can’t complain.
Best thing about Will?
His complete and utter honesty.
Would you introduce him to your friends?
I think he would run a mile.
Describe Will in three words
Honest, sweet, confident.
What do you think he made of you?
A bit intense, blond and sweaty.
Did you go on somewhere?
And… did you kiss?
A polite peck on the check.
If you could change one thing about the evening what would it be?
Receiving a FB message afterwards telling me he was “judging the profile picture”. Not cool, Will.
Marks out of 10?
A solid 7.
Would you meet again?
I want to say yes because he’s lovely, but realistically it’s a polite no.
• Lucy and Will ate at The Drop Wine Bar, Coal Drops Yard, King’s Cross, London N1.
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