Video game

Best Kids Party Video Games for Birthdays – Twinfinite

Best Kids Party Video Games for Birthdays

Super Mario Party

kids, birthday, video games

To kick off this list of the best kids party video games for birthdays, of course we’re going to start with one of the GOAT (greatest of all time) franchises: Mario Party.

Any Mario Party will work depending on the console you have available to you as there’s a Mario Party on just about any Nintendo console under the sun since Mario Party 64.

The most recent entry on the Nintendo Switch, Super Mario Party, is arguably the best entry in the series since the Nintendo 64 games though, and that’s the one we’d highly recommend, unless you have a N64 laying around.

Not only is it a return to form in terms of the traditional gameplay fans originally fell in love with, without any of the strange gimmicks the series has explored over the years, but there’s a lot of new game modes as well.

You can play in teams on boards specifically designed for it and there are new co-op modes in case you’d rather keep everyone on the same side to avoid any arguing. Of course, the traditional four player free for all is there too.

In the highly likely event you have more than four kids around at a party, just simply have them pair up onto a particular character from Super Mario Party, and have them take turns on the controller after every mini-game concludes.


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