
Women in Scotland earn £9000 a year less than men, reveal HM Customs figures

Woman taxpayers in Scotland earn an average of more than £9,000 less a year than the average man, new figures have revealed.

The data – which takes into account earnings from all sources, including jobs, savings, investments and pensions – was published by
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.


It shows female taxpayers in Scotland have an average pre-tax income of £25,391, compared with £34,828 for men – 27 per cent less.

The figures were released on the eve of International Women’s Day.

The gap is particularly wide at the highest end of the earnings bracket, the data reveals.
While 8,000 men in Scotland have an annual income of over £200,000 a year, the same is true of only 1,000 women.

UNISON assistant general secretary Christina McAnea said: “Almost a half century on from the Equal Pay Act, this is a shocking state of

“As a society, we simply don’t place a high enough value on the caring jobs women tend to do.

“Despite the best intentions of dads, it’s still mums who take on the lion’s share of childcare and then, years later, have to look after
their elderly relatives. That’s why so many women end up in part-time jobs on significantly lower rates of pay.

“Continuing to improve wages across the UK’s vital public services is an important step in tackling the problem. Employers too must ensure jobs at every level are open to everyone and that women are actively encouraged, through flexible working, training and development opportunities, to put themselves forward.”

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The figures, released this week, come from the annual Survey of Personal Incomes and cover the financial year 2016/17.

Only people who pay tax are counted – meaning those who are dependent on benefits for their income are not included.

The “gender income gap” has been shrinking in recent years. When the same data was published for 2015/16, the average male taxpayer had an income of £35,208 compared with £25,259 for the average female – a difference of £9,949.

Across the UK as a whole, the average male taxpayer had an income of £38,101 in 2016/17, while the average female had an income of £27,293. That is a gap of £10,808 or 28 per cent.


The gap is greatest, in absolute and percentage terms, in London. There, the average female taxpayer had an income of £36,223 – just 65
per cent of the average male income of £55,794.

Northern Ireland had the narrowest gap, with women (£24,338) having an income that was 83 per cent of the income for men (£29,327).

The gender income gap is bigger partly because women are much more likely to be in part-time jobs – so the fact they earn less per hour is
magnified by the fact they work fewer hours overall.


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