
Fortnite challenges COUNTDOWN: Leaked season 8 week 2 Battle Pass tasks

season 8 week 2 challenges are set to go live in the Battle Pass soon.

The Fortnite season 8 week 2 challenges are set to go live at 2pm UK time on Thursday March 7.

And ahead of the Fortnite season 8 week 2 challenges going live the new Battle Pass tasks look to have been leaked by dataminers.

The big challenge for Fortnite season 8 week 2 looks to be visit the furthest north, south, east and west points of the island.

This is according to a post on the FortniteLeaks Reddit page.

Here is a full list of the leaked Fortnite season 8 week 2 challenges…

• Deal damage to descending supply drops

• Deal damage to opponents with a pirate cannon

• Gain health from apples and medkits

• Search a chest in different named locations in a single match

• Eliminations in Salty Springs or Haunted Hills

• Land at the block, dusty divot, polar peak, snobby shores and paradise palms

• Visit the furthest north, south, east and west points of the island

The Fortnite season 8 week 2 challenges are set to go live at 2pm UK time on Thursday March 7.

Until the new challenges go live, the Fortnite season 8 week 1 Battle Pass tasks are available to test your skills against.

Here are the Fortnite season 8 week 1 challenges…


• Visit all (7) Pirate Camps

• Search (7) Chests at Retail Row or Junk Junction

• Stage 1: Deal damage with a Shotgun and an Explosive Weapon in a single match

– Stage 2: Deal damage with a Pistol and an Assault Rifle in a single match

– Final Stage: Deal damage with a Submachine Gun and Sniper Rifle in a single match

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• Visit a giant face in the desert, the jungle, and the snow

• Use a Volcano Vent in (5) different matches

• Get an elimination with a Shotgun, Assault Rifle, and Explosive Weapon

• Deal Damage to a vehicle driven by an opponent


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