
Microsoft announces its own take on Nindie Directs

Hot on the heels of Sony’s announcement of a Nintendo Direct-style show set to debut on Monday, Microsoft has announced a take on the “Nindie Directs” – and it debuts on Tuesday.

ID@Xbox Game Pass is a stream designed to highlight indie games coming to Xbox Game Pass. The first is set for 4pm UK time on Tuesday, 26th March and you can watch it on the Xbox YouTube channel.

In a blog post on Xbox Wire, Microsoft said to expect new reveals as well as gameplay highlights and conversations with developers.

The debut will run through some games already shown. Microsoft said to expect segments on Afterparty, Void Bastards and Supermarket Shriek. But new game announcements are also promised.

ID@Xbox Game Pass is in addition to Microsoft’s own Inside Xbox show, which has been used a few times in recent years to promote games coming to the platform. The most recent Inside Xbox revealed Halo: Master Chief Collection for PC, among other things.

Unlike Sony, Microsoft will attend E3 in June with a media briefing that may reveal next-gen consoles. This new indie-focused show could be a good way to give indies the attention they deserve as we gear up towards a big triple-A push.

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